Disabled Children In Special Education Essay

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There are many children disabled children in the United States . They show interest in joining regular classrooms, instead of being in separate classes. There are many different types of disabilities, but if all disabled children become more active and interact with other children it will benefit not only the disabled but also the people they interact with . I know this from research and personal experience with family members with disabilities. School boards should put disabled children into regular classrooms and other activities. Why is the inclusion of disables important?
“If every child matters, every child has the right to a good start in life. If every child matters, every child has the right to be included. And that is so important
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There are teachers and administrators alike who do not believe that much learning takes place in the special education classroom and that special needs students cannot possibly learn in a regular classroom. To address these concerns, school board administrators have to put in a lot of time and effort to implement a program that the staff and students are comfortable with. Teachers would also need some sort of training to better help them receive the special needs children into their classrooms. Teachers receiving special needs students in their classroom need to be included in the progress of the special needs students. This way, they can see how the student grows overtime in their classroom to get a better understanding of the impact an appropriate inclusion class can have on a special needs student. Once regular education teachers, the special education teachers and the administration are working together with a clear and concise plan, the classrooms will become a great learning environment that the students need. Inclusion can teach regular students how to become more sensitive and compassionate to others who are different from them. In school, students are taught to become well-rounded, law abiding citizens. They learn about different cultures and languages. People with disabilities are another aspect to our culture. When special needs children are kept completely separate from the rest of the

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