Unless services cannot be successful in the general education classroom, they should be with their nondisabled peers 80 to 90 percent of the time (Department of Education, 2004). Articles and colleagues criticize special education for limiting students, through the “parallel structure” of special education (Artiles et al., 2006, p. 261). Traditionally special education teachers had their own separate classroom where the student would go to for the whole or part of the school day and this is still a basic set up for special education. Now special education teachers spend part of their time in the general education classroom either helping just their specific students or teaching alongside the teacher. All students in the classroom can benefit from co-teaching, but when implemented effectively it is shown to have the greatest benefit for special education students. It gives special education students the chance to remain in their general education classroom, but still receive special education services per their IEP (Cataffo, 2012). Besides the educational benefits of inclusion, there are also the social
Unless services cannot be successful in the general education classroom, they should be with their nondisabled peers 80 to 90 percent of the time (Department of Education, 2004). Articles and colleagues criticize special education for limiting students, through the “parallel structure” of special education (Artiles et al., 2006, p. 261). Traditionally special education teachers had their own separate classroom where the student would go to for the whole or part of the school day and this is still a basic set up for special education. Now special education teachers spend part of their time in the general education classroom either helping just their specific students or teaching alongside the teacher. All students in the classroom can benefit from co-teaching, but when implemented effectively it is shown to have the greatest benefit for special education students. It gives special education students the chance to remain in their general education classroom, but still receive special education services per their IEP (Cataffo, 2012). Besides the educational benefits of inclusion, there are also the social