Mr. Fontana reported in school, Jackson exhibits normal classroom behavior and self-control (Hyperactivity: T= 54). His items indicated “sometimes” Jackson speak out in class and has trouble standing in his seat; however, he is not overly active or acts out of control. Also, Jackson does not act aggressively or demonstrate any rule breaking behaviors (Aggression: T= 46; Conduct Problem: T= 51). Overall, Jackson’s behavior in school is within the Average Range and similar to peers his age (Externalizing Problems: …show more content…
This composite is made up of the Attention Problems and Learning Problems. Mr. Fontana reported that Jackson has difficulty maintaining necessary levels of attention in class (Attention Problem: T= 62). His items indicated that Jackson “often” is easily distracted, has a short attention span, listens to directions, and has trouble concentrating. Also, “sometimes” Jackson makes carless mistakes. Mr. Fontana reported that Jackson had difficulty comprehending and completing assignments (Learning Problem: T=66). His items indicated that Jackson “almost always” has reading problems; he “often” has problems with mathematics, has trouble keeping up in class and has spelling problems.” In addition, Jackson “sometimes” gets failing grades and performs poorly on school assignments. The two scales that make up this composite were At Risk, therefore the School Problem Composite fell in At Risk Range