Cristofer is a kind and caring fifth grade student with a fun and easy-going personality. Cristofer enjoys participating in class and works best for positive feedback. Cristofer often struggles with focus and attention, but does better when he is given consistent positive reinforcements. When Cristofer knows he is doing a good job, he gets excited and will often ask if he can give a fist bump. In the moments where Cristofer is focused and on task, he is often able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the material that is being presented to him. He typically does best in math class and shows more consistency with math concepts than he does with reading, writing or language arts skills. Furthermore, while Cristofer has difficulty initiating and maintaining conversations, he gets along well with his classmates and will often give his friends compliments when they are doing well in class. He will also go out of his way to help his friends if he notices them struggling or ask them if they are ok when he notices they are upset.
On the AIMSweb Reading Curriculum Based Measurement, Cristofer scored 32 Words Read Correct (WRC) with 6 errors from grade 5 passages in the fall. Cristofer’s score is below average compared to the Robinson school percentile. The target score for students at the fifth grade level is 129 words per minute. His score placed him in the first percentile compared to fifth grade students in the Robinson School Fall Percentiles. Cristofer is being progress monitored at a second grade level this year as he is reading below the 10th percentile for fifth, fourth and third grade students. On Cristofer’s two most recent progress monitor assessments he read 54 WRC with 1 error and 43 WRC with 1 error. NWEA MAP: Fall (Measures of Academic Progress) In Reading Cristofer's RIT score was 167 (Percentile 1%) - Norm grade level Mean RIT score was 205 In Math Cristofer's RIT score was 167 (Percentile 1%) - Norm grade level Mean RIT score was 211 NWEA MAP: Winter (Measures of Academic Progress) In Reading Cristofer's RIT score was 162 (Percentile 1%) - Norm grade level Mean RIT score was 210 In Math Cristofer's RIT score was 170 (Percentile 1%) - Norm grade level Mean RIT score was 217 Reading In the classroom Cris is currently receiving reading instruction in comprehension skills at a level H (Fountas and Pinnell), which correlates to a first grade level. Cristofer is reading for fluency at second grade level, however, when reading at this level, he has a great amount of difficulty understanding the text. Cristofer has been doing well answering basic “in-text,” wh- questions after receiving guided reading instruction, but does often display inconsistencies as his responses at times can be off topic to the question being asked. Cristofer has much greater struggles with higher-level wh- questions and abstract questions or concepts that require him to think beyond the text. Concepts such as making predictions, making inferences, determining the main idea, comparing and contrasting, developing summaries, analyzing characters etc. can be very challenging for him. Cristofer benefits from visual assistance and graphic organizers when working on these concepts. He has made improvements in his ability to summarize/retell stories, but requires a significant amount of teacher assistance to help him accurately complete graphic organizers. As mentioned previously, when factoring out comprehension, Cristofer’s reading fluency is at a second grade level. He is currently being progress monitored for fluency development at the second grade level in AIMSweb. In the area of reading fluency, Cristofer shows difficulty with irregular words, multisyllabic words and words containing vowel …show more content…
He requires small group or one-on-one instruction and repetition to learn skills. In order to complete basic tasks, he needs frequent cues to stay on task and simple, concrete instructions. In order to have academic success in the classroom, Cristofer requires modifications and adaptations to the curriculum and materials in all subjects. His reading, writing and mathematical abilities are currently below those of general education fifth grade students. In reading, Cris demonstrates his difficulties with in both fluency and comprehension. In Math he shows the most difficulty with reasoning, problem solving and computation. Additionally, Cristofer struggles to complete writing assignments across all academic areas without teacher