Juan displayed inability to focus on or stay on task when in proximity with others. He is constantly fidgeting and restless during read a louds or when asked to attend, resulting in having unclear instructions and unfinished tasks. However, after constant repeated instructions are given one on one, Juan is able to complete the task with minimal distractions. He benefited from constant attention from the teacher to keep him calm. Arrangements were made to accommodate Juan’s needs for success such as behavior charts, private codes, non-verbal communications, positive motivators and a cool down working …show more content…
Anti-social behaviors can be learned, developed and imitated at school and may be motivated by attention seeking. This negative behavior displayed by Juan has interrupted his normal social cognitive development and academic growth during his first month in the new class. It is extremely important that the child experiences right behavior modeling and positive reinforcement. The goal is for Juan to learn and imitate right behaviors in the classroom, follow the rules and respect others. Raising his hand before speaking, and learning to communicate with others instead of yelling would affect his social cognitive behavior in a positive way and lessen his antisocial behavior overall.
Classroom Management involves the set-up of the classroom daily activities in a clear manner so that instruction and behavior will flow through the day with ease. This gives an opportunity for right behavior encouragement and rewards. The student displaying problem behavior will benefit, learn and understand the expected classroom behaviors when rules are embedded, taught and reinforced positively by the teacher through the lessons. This will also aid the students with opportunities to show appropriate