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50 Cards in this Set

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what is an organization?

- rational coordination of people for a common purpose

- 3 features: social identity, coordination, goal directed

organizational theory

explain/guide actions regarding people's actions to pursue a goal

formal v informal organizations

- formal: well defined jobs
- informal: relationships of people

pro: belonging, innovation, checks, authotity, social control

con: role conflict, resistance to change, rumors, group think


= heredity, socialization, situation

= personality, situation

collective behavior

= illogical generalization of believing

contagion: behaviors spread through social collectives

social behavior

interactions among individuals that is beneficial to 1 or more involved

social exchange theory

explains how we feel about a relationship

- success proposition (based on reward)

- stimulus (based on experience)

- value (based on outcome)

- deprivation satiation

- distributive justice

dependence and barriers

- degree to which feel reliant on others for an outcome

- intentional barriers/ feel obligated

- external barriers: pressures

group behaviors

ways people behave in group situations

=members + organizational behaviors + organizational environment

organizational structure

=who performs what tasks and how to relate

and process of coordination

- flat v hierarchical

flat: saves money, generalists

hierarchical: bureaucracy, specialists

organizational design elements

- hierarchy

- specialization

- formalization

- routinization

- training

- culture

- environment

- goals



departmentalization types

- functional

- product

- geographic

- process

- customer

- key characteristics of work

- physical hazards

- cognitive

- psychological demands

- biomechanical

good work design

-considers business needs and context

- applies along supply chain and operational cycle

- engages decision makers

job design techniques

- job rotations

- job specialization

- job enhancement

- job enrichment

- job enlargement

- autonomous teams


=employees have ability to make decisions

- structural: aspects of work environment

- felt: perception of autonomy


- stable

- observable + unconscious

- can be functional or dysfunctional

- cognitive processes + attitudes + motives+ experience = an individual


- easily appearing individual differences

- stable


- self regulation

5 big personality traits

1. extraversion

2. agreeableness

3. conscientiousness

4. neuroticism

5. openness to experience

organizational culture

= social context of work environment

= values + norms + behaviors + artifacts

layers of culture

1. artifacts (visible)

2. espoused beliefs/values

3. underlying assumptions

hofstade's culture model

1. power distance

2. incertainty avoidance

3. individualism/collectivism

4. masculinity/feminity

functions of management

1. planning

2. organizing

3. staffing

4. controlling

5. directing

6. coordinating

7. reporting

8. budgeting

managerial skills

top: mostly conceptual and some human resources

middle: equal conceptual, human resources, tech

low: human resources and tech

bases of power

- referent: followers' liking (commitment)

- expert: perceptions of competence (commitment)

- legitimate: formal status (compliance)

- reward: can incentivize (compliance)

- coercive: capacity to penalize (resistance)

types of influence

- silent authority: legit power

- assertiviness: legit + coercive

- exchange: negotiate compliance

- coalitions: social identity

- upward appeal

- flattery

- persuasion

- informational control

7 leadership competencies

1. emotional intelligence


3. drive

4. self confidence

5. leadership motivation

6. intelligence

7. knowledge of the business

transactions v transformational leadership

transactional: rewards/punishment, short term goals, efficient

transformational: excite followers, long term goals uncertainty

leader member exchange theory

leaders have limited resources so treat members differently

3 stages: role taking, role making, routinization

group classifications

formal: designated by organization

informal: appeals in response to need

command: manage/subordinates

task: job task

interest: specific objectives

friendship: share characteristics

norm development

- forming: leadership and questions

- storming: power struggles and compromise

- norming: reach consensus and solidify commitment

- performing: team awareness

- adjourningL task completion

types of planning

1. long range: study trends and issues

2. strategic: basic objectives and resource allocation

3. managerial: implement strategic plan

decision making models

classical: based on economic assumptions

administrative: how managers make decisions

political: nonprogrammed decisions

distortions in communication

- message encoding

- channel

- symbols

- receiver

- feedback loop

barriers to effective interpersonal communication

- filtering

- emotions

- information overload

- defensiveness

- national culture

- physical distractions

- mixed messages

- absence of feedback

- status

nonverbal communication

- inflection

- volume

- rate of speech

- pauses

- physical space

organizational communication networks

chain: formal CoC

wheel: manager at center

all channel: free flow

types of knowledge

- explicit: formalized

- tacit: intuitive

- embedded: part of processes

- organizational: amplify knowledge created by individuals

5 disciplines of organizational learning

1) personal mastery

2) mental models

3) shared vision

4) team learning

5) systems thinking

predictions of counterproductive behavior

- experience: frustration, lack of autonomy, injustice, job constraints and dissatisfaction

- personality: agreeableness, integrity, anger

- social context: colleague's behavior

what makes stress less stressful

- predictability

- control

- outlets

- social contact


- extinction of motivation

- state of physical and emotional exhaustion

- characterized by helplessness

stages of burnout

1. idealism

2. pessimism

3. withdrawal

4. detachment

job causes of burnout

- no down time

- big consequences of failure

-lack of control

- lack of recognition

- poor communication

- insufficient compensation

- poor leadership

measurements of organizational effectiviness

1. adaptability

2. performance

3. efficiency

organizational change options

quick fix (big and fast)

tinker (small and fast)

radical (big and slow)

incremental (small and slow)

change pyramid

tasks -> roles -> structure -> behavior -> culture

(increased level of discomfort)

5 strategies for change

1. expert (problem solving)

2. educative (hearts/minds)

3. directive (management)

4. negotiation (bargain)

5. participative (get involved)

categories of resistance

- protestors: make objections known and can be appeased

- zombies: go along without commitment

- saboteurs: openly find fault w new systems

- survivors: accept change and make the best

planning cycle

plan -> implement -> renew -> assess