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20 Cards in this Set

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Convert 16,912,000 liters to acre-feet

13.7 acre-ft

Sacrificial anodes are also called

Galvanic anodes

What should I head lice on a filter be after a proper backwash?

0.5 ft

What is it called when ions retain a specific number of water molecules when forming crystals?

Water Of crystallization

What is the temperature range for good nitrification to take place?

60 degrees to 95 degrees Fahrenheit

If a sludge cake consists of 60% solids, where did it most likely originated?

Drying lagoon

Thrush from a water surge almost always acts _____ to the inside surface that it pushes against.


One of chlorine's advantages is that it

has a persistent residual.

The volume of a sample for coliform compliance is

100 mL.

Water channels will most likely occur in which type of rock?


Viruses are considered

colloidal solids

The most probable reason for an aerobic digester to have an odor problem is

The supply of oxygen is insufficient

The streaming current detector is based on what principle?

Electromotive principal

A double replacement reaction is the same as

an ionic reaction

The purple or green sulfur bacteria

are able to photosynthesize

Usually, which type of hydrant is a flush hydrant?

Dry-barrel hydrant

Which type of pipe would most likely collapse or become distorted under a partial vacuum?


What's pressure head caused by?

Water flow

Sulfur can have the following numbers associated with it: -2, +4, and +6. What do these numbers represent?

Possible valences & The charge

Disinfection chemicals must conform to standards set by

NSF International and AWWA