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20 Cards in this Set

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What is the usual strength of sodium hypochlorite, i.e., available chlorine?

5 percent to 15 percent

About how much alkalinity is required for each milligram per liter of alum added to raw water?

0.5 mg/L

What metals are most likely to leach from household plumbing and cause a health hazard?

Copper and lead

How many gallons are in 2,167 ft3?

16,253 gal

(7.5gal)/1ft3 (2,167ft3)=

16,252.5 gal

Covert 91 Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius

33 degrees Celsius

Op flow February 2008

Measure of a smoothness of a pipe

C value

The main break may cause loss of pressure and the distribution system, which in turn may result in

contamination of the system by backsiphonage

As water temperature increases, the disinfecting action of chlorine is

more effective

Which of the following best defines a cone of depression?

Depression around The Well of the water surface caused by pumping water from the well

Which is the term for water samples collected at regular intervals and combined and equal volume with each other?

Time composite samples

Which of the following do long filter runs tend to cause?

Slime growths

The filter medium DE filters is

diatomaceous earth

Which type of pipe is typically used in the construction of a very large water mains?


Air Relief valves are installed to

Ventaire that has accumulated in the well column while the well is not in use

What type of level sensor requires an air supply?

Bubbler tube

What is the first action of an operator should take if a large main break occurs?

Locate the valves that isolate the leak

What is the primary health risk of trihalomethanes?


Algae can shorten filter runs by

clogging filters

If poorly formed floc is leaving the settling basin, which of the following should be done?

Increase the coagulant or add a coagulant aid

Which of the following chemicals can be activated for use as a coagulant aid with alum?

Sodium silicate