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18 Cards in this Set

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Permanent hardness is

the same as non carbonate hardness

Chlorite monitoring is required only for system using

chlorine dioxide

Potassium permanganate is used as an oxidant for controlling

Iron and manganese, organic precursors, taste and odor

What US Environmental Protection Agency regulation requires consumer confidence reports to be provided to customers?

Safe Drinking Water Act, 1996 Amendment

How do operators contain the pressurized in a wet tap?

Flapper valve

Usually, pathogen exposure presents _____rather than _____risk, and if pathogens are detected, it will result in_______

acute, chronic, boil-water notices

Which gas law states that the rate of diffusion of the gas is inversely proportional to the square root of the gas molecular weight?

Graham's law

Adding soda ash to sour digester

will add less solids loading than lime

In a cyclone grit separator, water and lighter particles are carried out in the

secondary vortex

What affects the disassociation of hypochlorous acid?

High pH

What type of piping material is corrosion-resistant and lightweight and has a low installation cost but has a low modulus of elasticity?

Fiberglass pipe

A sample to be analyzed for HAA5 compliance needs to be quenched with

ammonium chloride

Destruction of pathogenic organisms by chlorine is directly related to

chlorine concentration and contact time

If respirators are to be worn routinely, the US occupational safety and health administration requires them to be cleaned

at least monthly and after each use

Which one of the following valves is best to use in throttling flow situations?


If the shaft seal is leaking on a mechanical mixture, what would be the most probable cause?

Worn or dried-out packing or seal

Total Kjeldahi nitrogen is a measure of

all organic nitrogen

Bacteria in an anaerobic digester will effectively use
