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20 Cards in this Set

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The use of hypochlorite increases the pH because it will form ______when added to the water

hydroxyl ions

Which type of wells are commonly used near the shore of a lake or near a river?

Radial Wells

Which method for measuring water levels has a distinct disadvantage where freezing occurs?

Float-type sensors

Ionic compounds are formed when

a transfer of electrons occurs

The pressure during fire flow conditions shouldn't drop below

20 psi.

When a sample is collected, its quality begins to change because of

chemical activity

Soluble oxides of metals in water will

cause alkalinity

Which of the following will show Brownian motion?


Ductile-iron piping using flexible ball joints is most appropriate for

river crossings or rugged terrain

How many times higher than the normal operating pressure should the pressure rating of distribution system piping be?

2.5 to 4 times

Determine the depth of water in a reservoir if the PSI is 31.9

73.7 ft deep

Where will the lake water first become anaerobic?

In the hypolimnion

Dissolved Oxygen

May oxidize iron and manganese

What's the difference between a weak acid and a strong acid?

Amount of hydrogen ions released

What's the maximum number of electrons in the First Energy ("K" shell) of an atom?

Two electrons

Which bed expansion during backwashing must be achieved for filters using granular activated carbon?

50 percent

Streams that flow only occasionally are called

ephemeral streams

The pressure in a chlorine cylinder depends on the

temperature of chlorine liquid

Velocity head should be considered when it is_____ to_____ percent of the pressure head

1 to 2

First draw samples for the analysis of lead and copper water must be collected from Taps where the water has stood Motionless in the plumbing for at least

6 hours