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20 Cards in this Set

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pH is a measure of

hydrogen ions

Why is excessive water pressure to residential homes objectionable?

It increases the life of water heaters and other water-using appliances.

What is the term for a framework of wood or metal installed to prevent caving or trench walls?


What is the best location for a tap on a main?

40° down from the top of the main

What type of cleaning plug has hardened steel or silicon carbide wire brushes?

Scraping Pig

Which of the following parameters is used to indicate the clarity of water?


Because it is impossible to routinely test for presence of a specific microorganism in drinking water, the US Environmental Protection Agency requires, for surface water systems, the use of

treatment techniques

Which of the following is required treatment technique for the control of lead?

Corrosion control

An arterial-loop distribution system has flow from how many directions?


Which of the following mandates that language in message a public notification?

Us Environmental Protection Agency

Bar screens are used to

Remove debris

When is the specific gravity for a solution that weighs 10.27 lb per gallon?


Which type of hydrant has no main valve but has a seperate valve for each nozzle?


Which of the following about should be used when it becomes necessary to supply water at different pressure zones?


Which of the following will most accurately measure 500 mL of solution?

500-mL volumetric flask

Depending on its concentration and length of exposure, which of the following gases can cause long and skin irritation?


Which of the following is colorless, odorless, lighter than air, highly flammable, and sometimes called swamp gas?


In coliform analysis using the presence absence test, a sample should be incubated for

24 and 48 hr at 35°C.

The most effective disinfection residual is

Hypochlorous acid

Which type of solution contains 1 gram equivalent weight of a reactant

compound per liter of solution?

Normal Solution