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43 Cards in this Set

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A unique set of endeavors with clear-cut objectives, a starting point, and ending point, and usually a budget

Difference between Project and Operational Work Activity

Operations is work done to sustain the business, same work or task day after day, producing the same result.

Percentage of successful IT projects

less than 33%

Attributes of a PM

Interpersonal skills

Strong leadership: inspire your BA's



Conflict resolution

Critical thinking


Balancing priorities

influence factors of successful projects

Executive support

User involvement

Experienced PM

Clear business objectives

Minimized scope


Firm basic requirements

Formal methodology

Reliable estimates

What is project management?

Art of balancing project objectives against the constraints of time, budget, and scope!

Five phases of project management




Monitoring and Controlling


Triple constraint





Anybody affected by the project



Employees on project


Operational managers


Project Management Institute


Project management professional


Project management book of knowledge

Project charter

Project name


Project manager

Duties of PM

PM authority

Sponsor's official commitment

Project requirements

Project goal, objectives, and solution identify what you're trying to achieve and the general approach for getting there. Requirements provide details of the outcome.


Product produced as part of a project:

Hardware or software

Planning documents

Meeting minutes


Part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a list of specific project goals, deliverables, tasks, costs, and deadlines

Scope statement

What is and isn't part of the scope

Scope creep

Changes, continuous or uncontrolled growth in a project's scope, at any point after the project commences. Designed to keep project from going off on a tangent

Project Scope Management

Planning, Controlling, Closing

Change control

Approach to managing all changes made to a product or system to ensure that no unnecessary changes are made, that all changes are documented, that services are not unnecessarily disrupted and that resources are use efficiently

Scope Verification

Formal acceptance of the completed project scope by the stakeholders


Work-Breakdown-Structure. Deliverable-oriented decomposition of a project into smaller components

Improves estimates

Keep the team focused

Assign work to resources

Keep the project on track

Summary tasks

Grouping of related tasks that together, complete a higher level task

Top-Down WBS

Start with scope doc and break it down by:

Deliverables you need to produce

Milestones you need to accomplish

Bottom-Up WBS

Starting with a list of all of the tasks then organizing them into specific groups

Difference between Work and Duration

Work- # hours or days required on a task

Ex: 5 workers working 8 hours days will take 4 days. Work = 160 hours

Ex: 4 workers working 8 hour days will take 5 days. Work = 160 hours

Duration- Time between start and end of a task

Ex: Duration would be 4 days

Ex: Duration would be 5 days


Scientific Wild Assed Guess

Usually +/- 50-75%

Top Down Estimating

Comparing tasks to previous similar ones to get a rough estimate of time

Not very accurate

Bottom Up Estimating

Each single activity's length is estimated with a great level of detail.

Very accurate, time-consuming, and costly

Three-Point Estimating

PERT (Performance Evaluation and Review Technique)

([Optim Time] + [4x Most likely Time] + [Pess Time]) / 6

Parametric Estimating

Takes variables from other projects to estimate the costs of current one.

Ex: You know the cost of concrete per cubic food, multiply that by the total amount of concrete you know you'll need.

Why is padding estimates bad?

-Arbitrary number

-Can be a sign of poor project management

-Too much padding might lead to losing a contract from sponsor

-Undermines responsibility of a PM to develop a realistic schedule and budget

-Refers to UNKNOWN risks

Contingency funds
Well-planned and well-estimated research for KNOWN risks.

Management Reserves

Well-planned and well-estimated funds for UNKNOWN risks


Determining order in which activities need to occur
Relationships of the preceding task to the succeeding task.

Types of dependencies

Finish-Start: Onetask has to finish before the next can start

Start-Start: Thestart of one task triggers the start of another

Finish-Finish: Two tasks finish at the same time

Start-Finish: The start of one task triggers the finish of another

Critical Path

Sequence of tasks in your schedule with the longest duration. Any delay on the path delays the finish of the date of project.

Techniques for shortening critical path
Fast Tracking:

-Overlapping two tasks

-Fast-tracking the longest tasks

-Increases risk


-Increases costs by hiring more labor/resources

Cut Scope:

-Cutting out non-essential tasks to meet immediate goals


Additional time to complete a task

Murphy's Law

If something can go wrong, it will

Parkinson's Law

Work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion

Critical Chain Scheduling

Scheduling the dependent tasks in the critical chain in the most effective and beneficial way

-Removing buffers from individual tasks

-Add single project buffer at the very end

-Selectively adding buffers to crit path tasks