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21 Cards in this Set

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External defense

Physical, chemical, and microbial barriers

Internal defense

Inflammation, acute phase reactants, cytokines, phagocytosis


Redness, heat, swelling, pain

Acute inflammation

neutrophil most involved

Chronic inflammation

Macrophages/lymphocytes most involved


increased blood supply

redness and heat

vascular permeability

Retraction of endothelial cells causing swelling and pain

swelling and pain

Influx of phagocytes

PMNs arrive first followed by macrophages

Acute phase reactants

Made in liver

increase rapidly with infection/ surgery / trauma

nonspecific response

ex: CRP and complement


secreted proteins that act as chemical messengers

stimulates inflammation

activates cells

prevent viral infections

Names of cytokines

Interleukin, interferon, chemokines, tumor necrosis factor, colony stimulating factors

Phagocytosis - 1st sequence

physical contact due to chemotaxis and opsonins

Phagocytosis - 2nd sequence

phagosome formation as pseudopodia surrounds invader

Phagocytosis - 3rd sequence

phagolysosome formation due to fusion of phagosome and cytoplasmic granules

Phagocytosis - 4th sequence

exocytosis is excretion of material

inflammation - 1st sequence


C-Reactive Protein

most widely used indicator of acute inflammation

opsonizes by coating foreign particles and activates complement

peak with 24-72hrs and declines rapidly when stimulus stops


collective term for a group of proteins

inactive in normal circumstances

complement cascade = active

lysis of bacterial cells

opsonization of organisms for phagocytosis



serum molecules that attach to foreign materials and enhance phagocytosis

inflammation - 2nd sequence

vascular permeability

inflammation - 3rd sequence

influx of phagocytes