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105 Cards in this Set

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What is the prescence or abscence of disease?
What is a state of well-being?
Components that affect wellness:
Environmental, occupational, intellectual, spiritual, physical, emotional, social
What is a highly personal state of diminished functioning?
What is classified as a acute illness?
Severe symptoms of short duration
What is classified as a chronic illness?
Lasts for 6 months or longer
What is remission?
when the symptoms disappear
What is exacerbation?
when the symptoms reappear
Alteration in body function and shortening of normal life span?
What are illness behaviors and how are they classified
Coping mechanism.

Involves ways individuals describe, monitor and interpret symptoms.
How can Nurse's help their clients to adjust to their lifestyle?
Provide explanations about necessary adjustments.
Accommadate clients' lifestyle.
Reinforce desirable changes in practices.
Healthy People 2 major goals:
1. Increase quality and years of healthy life
2. Eliminate health disparities
Narrow sense of Prevention?
Avoiding the develop of the disease in the future
Broad sense of Prevention?
Consists of all interventions to limit progression of disease
Information Dissemination?
(most basic)

Makes use of a variety of media
Consider culture, age group
Critical to know where misinformation originates
Health risk appraisal and wellness assessment?
Used to teach about risk factors
Motivate to reduce specific risks
Lifestyle and behavior change?
Requires participation of individual
Geared toward enhancing quality of life
Environemental control?
Staying away from Toxic and nuclear wastes, nuclear power plants, air and water pollution, and pesticide use
How can the nurse promote health?
Work WITH not FOR people
Use nursing process
Teach self-care
Emphasize illness preventions
What involves the prevention of diseases and conditions before their biological onset?
Primary Prevention
How can Primary prevention be done?
Preventing environmental exposures, improving human resistance to disease, or education to diminish risk-taking behaviors
What consists of the identification and interdiction of diseases that are present in the body, but have not progressed by cause signs, symptoms, and dys-function?
Secondary Prevention
What consists of the prevention of diseases progression and attendant suffering after it is clinically obvious and a diagnosis established?
Tertiary Prevention
What are health beliefs?
concepts about health that an individual believes true, may or may not be founded on fact, or culturally related
Locus of control model...
determine whether clients are likely to take action regarding health, that is, whether clients belief is in their own hands
Internals believe.....
that health is largely self determined
Externals believe......
that health is controlled by others
To maintain fitness.....?
one must meet the needs for exercise, nutrition, rest, and relaxation, and follow practices to promote and preserve health
How does physical fitness help?
Enables body to perform to its potential
Helps individuals look, feel, do their best
Ability to perform daily tasks vigorously, with energy left over
Involves performance of heart, lungs, muscles
Influences mental alertness, emotional stability
Physical activity
bodily movement produced by skeletal muscle contraction that increases energy
type of physical activity defined as a planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement performed to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness
Activity tolerance
type and amount of exercise or ADLs and individual is able to perform without experiencing adverse effects
Functional strength
bodys ability to perform work
Isotonic exercise
running, walking, swimming, cycling, ROM

increase muscle tone, mass, and strength and maintain joint flexibility and circulation
Isometric exercise
strengthening abdominal, gluteal, and quadriceps muscles used in ambulation

produce a mild increase in heart rate and cardiac output, but no increase in blood flow to other parts of the body
Isokinetic exercise
used in physical conditioning and are often doneto build up certain muscle groups

increase in blood pressure and blood flow to muscles occurs with resistance training
Aerobic exercise
and activity when the amount of oxygen taken into the body is greater than that used to perform the activity

improve cardiovascular conditioing and physical fitness
Anaerobic exercise
weightlifting and sprinting is used in indurance training for athletes
Anatomy of the Mouth
lined with mucous membranes and enclosed by the lips, cheeks, palate, and tongue
What does the tongue contain?
mucous and serous glands, taste buds, and papillae
Teeth usually appears around?
5-8 months after birth
Baby bottle syndrome
when an infant is put to bed with a bottle of sugar water, formula, milk or fruit juice
When do children have all 20 deciduous teeth?
usually around 2 years old
When do children start losing their baby teeth?
around 6 or 7
When should most people have all of their permanent teeth?
25 years old
Why are pregnant woman sometimes affected by periodontal disease?
the rise in female hormones affects gingival tissue and increases its reaction to bacterial plaque
Aging process in teeth?
Teeth turn yellow.
Tooth an gum problems.
Receding of the gums.
What are the 2 most common problems that most frequently affect the teeth?
Dental caries and periodontal disease
When plaque is unchecked...
tartar forms.
Periodontal disease
red swollen gingiva
receding gum lines
formation of pockets between the teeth and gums
advanced periodontal disease

teeth are loose and pus is evident when the gums are pressed
Bad breath
Inflammation of the tongue
Inflammation of the gums
Periodontal disease
gums appear spongy and bleeding
cracking of lips
Dental caries
darkened areas on teeth, may be painful
accumulation of food, bacteria on the teeth or lips
inflammation of the oral mucosa
Inflammation of the parotid salivary glands
Who is likely to develop dry mucous membranes?
NG tubes
receiving oxygen
What variables affect oral health?
inadequate nutrition
lack of money or insurance
excessive intake of sugars
family history
How is a dry mouth aggravated?
poor fluid intake
heavy smoking
high salt
Clients who receive radiation to the head and neck....
may have permanent damage to salivary glands
Good oral hygeiene includes
daily stimulation of the gums
mechanical brushing
Major rol of the nurse in promoting oral health is?
Why do toddlers experience cavities?
result of intake of sweets or prologed use of bottles during naps and bedtime
When should you start brushing a child's teeth with a soft toothbrush?
18 months old
inflammation of the oral mucosa
Inflammation of the parotid salivary glands
Who is likely to develop dry mucous membranes?
NG tubes
receiving oxygen
What variables affect oral health?
inadequate nutrition
lack of money or insurance
excessive intake of sugars
family history
How is a dry mouth aggravated?
poor fluid intake
heavy smoking
high salt
Clients who receive radiation to the head and neck....
may have permanent damage to salivary glands
Good oral hygeiene includes
daily stimulation of the gums
mechanical brushing
Major rol of the nurse in promoting oral health is?
Why do toddlers experience cavities?
result of intake of sweets or prologed use of bottles during naps and bedtime
When should you start brushing a child's teeth with a soft toothbrush?
18 months old
when should a parent schedule an initial dental visit?
2 or 3 years of age, as soon as all 20 primary teeth have erupted
When do dentists recommend and inspection type of visit?
around 18 months old
What should be taught to preschoolers?
to brush their teeth after eating and to limit their intake of sugars
Who suffers the worst oral health?
older adults in nursing homes
dry mouth
What not to use to fix a dry mouth?
Lemon-glycerin swabs, hydrogen peroxide, and mineral oil
health effects of insufficient nutrient intake
excess nutrient intake
Nutritional health
defined as the physical result of the balance between nutrient intake and nutritional requirements
BMI > 25
altered state of consciousness in which the individuals perception of and reaction to the environment are decreased
4 stages, about 75-80% is spent in NREM sleep
recurs about every 90 minutes and lasts 5-30 minutes
How many cycles of sleep?
How much do newborns sleep?
16-18 hours/day
irregular schedule

lay on their back
How much do infants sleep?
14-15 hours/day

by 6 months, most infants sleep through the night
How much do toddlers sleep?
12-14 hours/day

nighttime fears and nightmares are common
security object is needed
How much do preschoolers sleep?
11-13 hours/day

children dislike bedtime
must maintain a regular schedule
How much do school children sleep?
10-11 hours/day

most receive less because of tv, social activities, homework and sports
How much do adolescents sleep?
9-10 hours/day

however few actually get that much sleep
How much do adults sleep?
7-9 hours
How much do older adults sleep?
not much at all
What can affect sleep?
irregular morning and nighttime schedule can affect sleep
emotional stress
health belief model
trying to promote health
clinical model
focuses on signs and symptoms of illness
role performance model
emphasizes social activities such as fulfilling a particular role
agent-host-environment model
focuses on predicting illness