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104 Cards in this Set

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What are the principal reasons contributing to adolescent parenthood? How prevalent is this problem?

What are the implications for the adolescent girl or boy who initiate a pregnancy?

Are there short – and/or long – term
consequences of a teen pregnancy?

What kind of community support are available for teenagers to become parents?


What is being done to prevent or decrease teen pregnancies?

Compare the response of society to teen
pregnancy in the past and currently.

"In the past pregnancy was a degrading

humiliating status that destroyed an

adolescent girl's station and ability to fully

participate in adolescent social development. Ways were taught that it was wrong to

impregnate the girl outside of marriage."

"Today, much attitudes no longer influence the course and outcome for teenage pregnancy. Abortion on demand is legal in the US. Fewer social stigmas are associated with teenage pregnancy, and families are more supportive of pregnant teenagers by providing various forms of emotional, financial, and physical


What are some statistics concerning adolescent pregnancy?
This is not a new phenomenon in the US

It has been on the decline reaching its lowest point that hasn't been seen since the 1950s

The decline is the in every ethnic group

surveyed in the US

1/8 girls 13 – 19

10% miscarry

29% abort

61% carry to term

11% of all births are to teen mothers

What are the associated risks for teen mothers and their babies?

May be associated risks for mothers and their babies who experience developmentally " off time" pregnancy
What made the general decline in teenage
pregnancy be attributed to?

Increased participation in programs that
emphasize responsible sexual decision-making

A decrease in the number of sexually active teenage girls

Wider use of contraceptives among sexually
active teens
What is also declined along with the number of teen pregnancies in the US?

The number of teenage marriages

What is the usual result when teens become pregnant?
The teens carry the pregnancy to term and
retain custody of the child
What are the basic reasons why teenagers
become pregnant?

Increased frequency of sexual intercourse
taking place at earlier ages than in the past

Social influences that de–emphasized the
negative stigma was associated with teen

Lack of adequate contraceptive knowledge in these by sexually active teen males and


Personal attitudes about sexuality, pregnancy, and parenthood

What percent of teens are believed to have had sexual intercourse at least once by age 19?

7 of 10 teens
What are 12 contributing causes of teenage pregnancy?
Serious emotional problems

Embarrassment about sexual matters

Religious beliefs

Eagerness to participate in sexual activity

without making the effort to ensure safer

experiences, as well as impulsivity and peer pressure

Feelings of resentment and anger toward a parent

Feelings of guilt, a negative self image, or low self-esteem

The desire to prove one's masculinity or


An intent to create a captive love or to trap a mate

A desire to receive unconditional love from

another person

Behavioral problems, involvement in criminal activity, acting out behavior, or participation in delinquent behaviors

Certain family background markers, the level of the parents' educational achievement, a parent who was sexually active as a teenager, older swindling you were sexually active,

experiencing a particular type of parental

supervision and adolescent, parental

involvement in elementary schooling, and racial or ethnic backgrounds

What are some examples of the serious
emotional problems that is a contributing cause of teenage pregnancy?
Lack of adequate social adjustment

Extreme feelings of isolation


Low self-esteem

What does embarrassment about sexual
matters, which is a contributing cause of teenage pregnancy, lead to?
Reluctance to obtain information about
conception and contraception
How do religious beliefs, which is a contributing cause of teenage pregnancy, influence teens?
They may compound feelings of guilt, and
enhancing reluctance to be informed about
sexual matters
What do feelings of resentment and anger
toward the parents, which is a contributing cause of teenage pregnancy, facilitates?
A desire to punish the parents

What do the feelings of guilt, a negative self
image, or low self-esteem, which are
contributing causes to teenage pregnancy,
The need to be accepted socially, irrespective of the costs and outcomes
What does it desire for unconditional love from another person, a contributing cause of teenage pregnancy, do?
It is perceiving a baby as a substitute for parental or marital love

What is an example of a behavior problem
associated with being a contributing cause of teenage pregnancy?
Conduct disorders

What is an example of delinquent behavior that is associated with being a contributing cause of teenage pregnancy?
Substance abuse

What is an example of certain family background markers, which are contributing causes of teenage pregnancy?
A single parent versus a first marriage family of origin

According to the textbook, what are 3 reasons why teenagers become pregnant?

The text brings up the idea childbearing and adaptive strategy for disadvantaged

Adolescent parenthood is actually a cause for disadvantaged status

There is a belief that teenagers who become pregnant are promiscuous by the actuality is adolescence often become intensely involved with one person over a period of time

What is important to distinguish about
adolescent parenting?

Risk from concrete outcome

What are the 5 antecedent conditions contributing to the ages at which teens become sexually active and to the number of partners?
Increases in the level of sex hormones
associated with puberty at earlier ages than in the past

Adolescents' cognitive and emotional

development usually lag behind physical


The degree of adolescent girls' permissiveness about sexual activity may be related to friends and sisters who are sexually active

Many teens feel great deal of social pressure to become sexually active from peers

Sociocultural factors may influence the

probability of a teens' participating in sexual


What do these sex hormones establish?
The interest in and motivation for sexual activity

What happens when adolescents' cognitive and emotional development lags behind physical
Teenagers may not be completely aware of the risks involved in early, and protected sexual
When is the degree of adolescent girls'
permissiveness about sexual activity especially
a factor?
If an adolescent sister has become a mother herself

When do teens feel a great deal of social
pressure to become sexually active from their peers?
Girls who may be particularly susceptible to
coercion from a male partner
What are some examples of sociocultural factors that are antecedents conditions that contribute to ages at which teens become sexually active and to the number of their partners?
Religious participation

Ethnic background

The family of origin's socioeconomic status

Family of origin

Is influential in shaping a teenager's attitudes about sexual activity because of models
behaviors that influence adolescent's choices concerning sexual behavior
What are some examples of choices concerning sexual behavior modeled in family of origin?
Sexual history of the mother during her

Older siblings who are sexually active

Living in a single-parent rather than a first

marriage family system

Unhealthy levels of family cohesion and


Highly involved mother – daughter and

negative father – daughter relationships

Quality of the PC relationship

What do reports say about teenager's desire for pregnancy when they participate in sexual
Few teenagers are reported to desire pregnancy when they participate in sexual activity, but
failure to use contraception happens for a
number of reasons
What are the 5 meanings associated with
adolescent contraceptive use?
The use of contraception is an obvious
admission of sexual activity

Teenagers' use of contraception reflects their understanding of negative consequences

Seeking and obtaining contraceptive devices have certain social, economic, and
psychological costs that teenagers must weigh of the risk and cost of pregnancy

It must be negotiated with the sexual partner, which made him find embarrassing and feel inept at discussing

Team may not use contraception because of the irrational belief that other people can
become pregnant but not them
What are 2 examples of negative consequences to sexual behavior?


What are the 6 things researchers have found about certain antecedent conditions that are associated with the use of contraception and the use of safer sex practices among teenagers?

Psychosocial factors

Sexual experience

Families' provision for failure to provide
information to teenagers about birth control

Parent's openness to communicate and their support of safer sexual decision making tends to increase adolescents' use of contraception

Peers become an important source of
influence and information for teenagers

When teenagers you are sexually active have access to family planning services and
information regarding sexual choices, whether in schools or their communities, there's a greater likelihood of preventing pregnancy and STDs
Psychosocial factors
Perceiving oneself as sexually active

Sexual experience

As teenagers become more sexually active they tend to use contraception more regularly and correctly
Do teenagers typically choose marriage after
becoming pregnant?

Regardless whether or not teens marry, what do they tend to encounter?
The poorest socioeconomic outcomes
If the pregnant teens married, does it
significantly improve their situation? What is marriage under these circumstances considered to be?

High risk

Prone to early divorce

Describe the assistance from their families for unmarried teens.
They received less assistance from their families than those who married

They are more likely to receive welfare benefits and teens who are married

How often has adoption been chosen as an
option in adolescent pregnancy? Why or why not?
Chosen less frequently as an option

More teenage girls choose to continue the
pregnancy and retain custody of the baby
What does adoption enable?
The growth to continue her education, attend to otherwise normal adolescent developmental tasks, and avoid experiencing a disadvantaged existence
What types of feelings are produced when a teenager places a baby up for adoption? What can these types of feelings have?



Long-term side effects

Open adoption
Birth mother can remain in contact with the adoptive parents

The birth mother can follow the development of the child's, even though she gives up most of her parental rights

What do the short and long-term consequences of teen parenthood include?

Educational implications

Effects on marriage and family relations

Actual and potential laborforce participation

Effects on the PC relationships

What appears to be the most common reason why an adolescent girl fails to complete her high school education? When is this especially true?

The younger woman is

If the woman is African-American

What is the most long-term effect of adolescent parenting?
The disruption of a girl's education relates to economic consequences

What can the teen mother expect?

To have a lower salaried job

Lower job satisfaction

A decreased quality of life

Even Start
By the US Department of Education

Promoting the continuation of schooling by
providing childcare during school hours and teaching parenting and family life skills and
assisting in vocational developments
What happens when pregnant teenagers remain educationally motivated?
They improve their grades

Resolve to graduate

Show an interest in attending college

What is more likely to happen when adolescents are pregnant?
It is likely to hasten early marriages

What is likely in teenage marriages?

High risk

Highly unstable

Prone to end shortly by divorce

What percent of adolescent marry divorce? How soon do they divorce? Compare with those who marry in early childhood.

5 years


What do most research findings suggest about the effects of adolescent parenting on marriage and family interactions?

Early childbearing and marriage contribute to greater unhappiness than the pregnancy itself

What do early studies of adolescent pregnancy report about the health considerations? What are these especially a problem?

Many adverse physical complications for the young mother

If she did not see regular prenatal care

What are some of the risks associated with a young mother's pregnancy?
Elevated death rates

Increased prevalence of maternal toxemia


Postpartum infections


When are the health risks associated with
adolescent pregnancy minimized? What are most of these conditions directly linked to? Why does this happen?
If the adolescent girls receive adequate and early prenatal care and supervised nutrition

Lack of prenatal care, often because the mother is secretive about the pregnancy
What are other factors contributing to the
increased health risks?

Lack of access to healthcare

What else is also negatively affected by early childbearing?

Mental health
According to the text, what happens to their
future been teenage girls drop out of school
because of pregnancy?
It is jeopardized because of the broad impact on their ability to provide adequate incomes for themselves and their children

Why do teenage parents face major economic consequences during this part of their lives?
Loss of educational opportunities

Lack of sufficient support networks

Unavailability of adequate childcare

Extensive medical expenses

What happens when most girls fail to complete high school due to adolescent parenting?
They lack the entry-level skills to compete in the job market

How much is the adolescent mothers' income in comparison to mothers who have their first child and early adulthood?
About half in comparison
What are adolescent parents frequently unable to provide?
The type of financial support that will ensure
adequate prenatal care, with, and living
What do teen mothers often lack?

Resources to become effective parents,
frequently failing to complete their education, and failed to see parenthood as being personally or socially restrictive

What characteristics do children born to teenage parents have?
They are more costly to the parents than those born to women who have their child in their 20s

What type of controversy exists about effect on the PC relationships of adolescent parents?
Whether teen mothers are as good at parenting as compared to older mothers

What 7 things place the adolescent PC
relationship at risk?
Lack of knowledge about children's developmental needs

Less sensitivity to behavior cues from infants

Less interest in playing with children

Less interaction time with children

Ambivalent feelings about parenthood

Greater tendency to use physical punishment

More likely to feel depressed, nervous, tense, and fretful

What have other studies found about adolescent parenting?
They typically demonstrate a range of nurturing, caregiving behaviors toward children, although immature and self-centered parenting styles also occur

The teen mothers are found to have competent parenting skills when compared to older
What is the attitude about teenage fathers?

It is more important for adolescent fathers to be identified and assumed their legal
responsibilities for their out of wedlock child
What do existing studies on teenage fathers

Personality characteristics involving a girl's
pregnancy and after the child's birth, role in pregnancy resolution decisions, his problem, and social outcomes associated with being an adolescent father
How are these teen fathers stereotyped?




How do researchers describe these young



Guilty about what has happened

Why do adolescent boys and young men
become absent or nonresidential fathers?
Most adolescent girls become mothers choose to retain custody of their baby not get married
How do many adolescent fathers feel about the girls pregnancy? What will they do to deal with this?


They may use denial as a defense mechanism to avoid the anxiety associated with their

What appears to be a positive influence on the team father's involvement with coparenting

following the birth?

The quality of a teen father's relationship with the teen mother of their child prior to their child's birth
What do adolescent fathers' lack?
Involvement in pregnancy resolution decisions which relates to the lack of clarity in their role as the father
What are the factors that are NOT related to the likelihood of becoming a teen father?

Coming from a home without a biological
father or a home that offers supervision

Parental emotional depression

Presence of family violence

Commitment to school performance

What factors may predispose someone to being an adolescent father?

Being a teen of color

Being educationally disadvantaged

Having parents who assume the role early in life

Having parents with little formal education

Involvement with delinquent or deviant

Experiencing adverse childhood conditions

What are the consequences for a child of an adolescent parent?

A tendency toward behavioral problems

The likelihood of becoming teen parents
themselves, experiencing homelessness,
incarceration, and/or juvenile delinquency

A tendency to repeat grades in school and have some type of learning disability

A tendency to do this play developmental

The likelihood of experiencing disruptive
marriages in adulthood

Early sexual activity and inconsistent use of contraceptives, increasing the chances of a teen pregnancy

Greater likelihood of being abused, neglected, or abandoned
Which sex has a tendency toward behavioral problems?

Adolescent parenting services

Community services that have been expanded to include social and human service programs that address the needs of pregnant teens

How do researchers identify successful

Programs that provide individual attention to the participants

Multi-components, multiagency, community – wide programs involving parents, schools, and religious groups to reach those teens most in need of services
Adolescent Family Life Act

Programs that address adolescent sexual activity that lead to pregnancy

Most programs advocate abstinence or delay

sexual activity

What do most effective programs in preventing teen pregnancy provide?

Peer education

Services to increase contraceptive use

What do truly successful programs help teen parent to do?

To do a competent job of parenting children
In what areas will this be evident?



Physical development

What is been found in the youths that
participate in sex education programs?
Found to delay participating in sexual
intercourse rather than initiating this early are experiencing increases in sexual activity
What have these different types of programs such as educational programming been
developed to do?

Maintain the public school education program

of teens who are pregnant or already parents

Mainstream pregnant adolescents into public schools or to maintain the public school

educational programs

What is the main function of these programs?

To lower the high dropout rate observed among teenage girls of those you are already parents
What happens with teenagers who participate in these programs?
They tend to return to, or stay in school
programs that lead to a high school diploma

What do research reports say about subsequent births among teen mothers?
They are diminished when they remain in school, live at home with their parents, and are engaged in educational or work activities
What do some of these programs support for offer?

The continuation of the teenager's education while providing child development and
parenting information that promotes
competent caregiving skills

Offer child care services while providing other students with child development and
parenting courses
What happens when teenagers have information about sexuality, child development,
contraception, and parenting?
There is an increase in the number of teens
using birth control

There is a reduction in the number of repeated pregnancies

There is a reduction in the number of child abuse cases

What is a tool used in giving teenagers
information about child development and
A realistic strategy for helping teens avoid
pregnancy makes use of a doll that looks, feel, and sounds like a real baby. It can register whether it was cared for adequately
What is another tool used in giving teenagers
information about child development and
One that is effective in helping adolescents have experiences that are similar to those
encountered by parents of a newborn

Used in some teen pregnancy prevention
What are the 3 outcomes that are the result of education and information about sexuality, child development, contraception, and parenting?
Increasing the number of teens using birth

Reduction in repeat pregnancies

Reduction of child abuse cases

What are the pros and cons of health clinic
located in junior and senior high school
dispensing contraceptives to any student who request them?

How have supports for adolescent parents changed over time?
A teenager who become a parent receives more support from his or her community
today than in the past

In many places, community services have been expanded to include a number of other social and human service programs that address the needs of pregnant teens and those who
become parents
How can these be programs be made better?

It is likely that programs targeting teen girls

would be more effective in combined with the programs aimed at the younger males

What are these programs that are combined for teenage girls and boys based on?
Changing males' Sexual to include the use of condoms, not only to prevent the spread of STDs, but also to reduce pregnancy

Requiring males to assume financial
responsibility for their children and motivation to avoid future unintended pregnancies

Increasing enforcement of statutory rape charges to reduce pregnancy and births

Strengthening the role of fathers in all families

Teaching teen fathers how to become more
involved with their children