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202 Cards in this Set

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Explain why it is helpful to know the principle
developmental landmarks of early childhood in order to facilitate effective parenting behavior.


Explain how the parent – preschooler
relationship changes in comparison to the
relationship infancy.

Explain why positive methods of guidance for young children.


Describe the common behavioral problems
observed in young children.


Describe the kind of community support part by families preschoolers.


Early childhood

Period between ages 3 – 6 when children are also known preschoolers

What do the interactions within the family
system reflect?
Increasing involvement of children as
participating family members

What basic skills acquired during infancy are now being expanded in early childhood?



What do young children learn through?



What do children increasingly comprehend in early childhood?
Their parents' expectations and instructions
What is a developmental landmarks of early childhood concerning socialization?
They become more oriented toward others rather than being largely self oriented

Specifically, which skills expand during early childhood? In what 5 areas in this seen?
Language skills





Contributes to increasing autonomy

What are the major developmental tasks and landmarks in early childhood related to cognitive abilities?

We occupational, pre-logical, and intuitive thought

Building a database of information about the world

Preoperational with classification and the grouping of things

Expanding vocabulary

Improving memory

Flaws in thinking


Give examples of flawed thinking.



Arriving at unwarranted conclusions

Self-centered thinking
What are the major developmental tasks and landmarks in early childhood that are related to physical abilities?
The rate of growth in weight and height

Small appetite

Uses a preferred hand

All primary teeth erupt

Major gross motor skills are mastered

Fine motor skills emerge

High energy level

What may be a reason for a child having a small appetite?

They may be a picky eater

Give examples of the major gross motor skills are mastered in early childhood.

Give an example of how fine motor skills emerge in early childhood.

Creation of art

Where the major developmental tasks and
landmarks in early childhood related to
psychosocial abilities?
Expanding awareness of self, others, and things

Gaining independence and some self-control

High curiosity level

Beginning socialization experiences

Learns by doing and from mistakes

Plays more social and creative
Give examples of beginning socialization
experiences of early childhood.
Appropriate social behaviors

Appropriate gender role behaviors
What should parents consider in meeting the needs of preschoolers?
Behavior of preschoolers is enhanced by parents who were responsive to changes in their
children's needs

Children become verbally more skilled, so
parents react by shifting from physical methods of child-rearing to those that are more verbal and psychological in nature
What are the physical aspects in parenting preschool children?

Meeting the nutritional needs because children require good nutrition to grow and eat a
balanced and nutritious diet that includes
adequate amounts of protein
What are the health and safety concerns with parenting preschool children?


Safe and age-appropriate play equipment
What 3 aspects are included in parenting preschool children?




What are the 14 ways in which parents of preschool children can provide structure and nurture for their young children?
Affirming developmental achievements

Providing a safe and loving environment

Encouraging appropriate and safe exploration of the environment

Modeling respectful and gender equal


Modeling of communication the marital


Encouraging the expression of feelings

Providing developmentally appropriate


Providing appropriate feedback with regard to behaviors

Explaining the consequences of behaviors

Communicating clearly – no guilt trips!

Being consistent

Being respectful of the child

Listening attentively

Having space in one's life for a child

How should parents use rules in teaching
structure to preschool children?
Use and family systems as a primary means for maintaining the group's efficient functioning

One way that parents teach structure to children and help children to internalize controls that guide their behavior

What are some examples of ways in which the parents teach structure children help

children to internal mind controls the guide their behavior?

Negotiable rules

Nonnegotiable rules

What are some aspects of beginning
socialization in preschool children?
Processes by which children are taught to
conform to social rules, to acquire personal
values, and to develop attitudes and behaviors

Young children expected to adopt the rules,
behavioral expectations, and limits or
boundaries that the family system has

Give examples of how young children are
expected to adopt rules, behavioral
expectations, and limits or boundaries that the family system has established.
Prosocial behaviors


Delaying gratification


Temper tantrums

Gender identity

The knowledge that humans are either male or female

Give examples of how are encouraged parents encourage positive gender role development.
Children first learn gender or sex roles according to the parents' interpretations of masculinity or femininity

Higher levels of self-esteem and social
competence are found among adult who adopt more gender neutral role orientations
Gender-neutral role orientation


Broad aspects of sexual interest, attitudes, and activities that are an expression of a person's
total being
What is important to use when parents teach children about sexuality?
Appropriate emotional tones

Effect that parents communicate when

discussing these issues

What are some pointers for parents teaching preschool children about death and dying?
Very young children cannot understand the
finality of death

Many young children reach the conclusion that that happens only to those who are old, sick, or fatally injured

Consider the cognitive abilities and
developmental stage of the child and adjust accordingly
Describe the attachment between parents and their preschool children.
Manifests itself in relationships that a child
develops with others inside the parents

Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)
May occur in children who have been
traumatized in early childhood through severe neglect or abuse or who spent the early months for even years of their lives and circumstances of severe neglect
What are the changes in cognitive development of preschool children?

Shift to the occupational mode of thinking

Preschoolers make judgments and reach

conclusions based on their limited

understanding of operation and rules

How does Piaget describe the relative rigidity of preschoolers' thoughts?
Equating appearance with reality




Inability to solve problems involving


Preoccupation with classification


Pre-causal thinking

What types of toys should parents by their preschool aged children?

Those that encourage physical activity and
promote gross motor skills

Give examples of toys that encourage physical activity and promote gross motor skills.



Give examples of outdoor equipment.

Gym sets




Water – play equipment


What is necessary with preschool children play with games?


Why is it manipulative play equipment important to preschool children?

Encourages hand eye coordination

Give examples of manipulative play equipment.

Connecting toys

Simple puzzles

Bead stringing

Shape sorting cubes

Sorting/nesting toys

Lotto matching games

Sandbox toys

Bath toys

What are some examples of educational toys for preschoolers?
Picture and storybooks

Simple computer games

Simple boardgames
Give examples of equipment that encourages creativity in preschoolers.
Arts and craft supplies such as crayons, paint, modeling clay, markers, children's safety
scissors, and paper

Rhythm instruments


Give examples of dramatic play equipment for preschoolers.
Dress up clothes and accessories

Action figures

Trucks and cars

Play kitchen and sensory

Role-play equipment

Racially and culturally diverse dolls

Small stage or low platform for performances

What is parent's communication with preschool children based on?



What should not be able use by parents when using positive guidance methods with


Positive reinforcement

How should parents of preschoolers deal with conflicts or stressful interactions with their preschool children?

Accept that a child's behavior is bound to cause tension at times
What is considered to be self defeating in
positive guidance methods for preschoolers?
A number of adult patterns

What is most effective when the physical
differences between a parent and a child are minimized?


What does the preschool child need to be taught?

To take increasing responsibility for their
behavior as they grow older

What are learned by a child through a parent's

setting reasonable limits that can be




What is a means for understanding the child

Try to discover the reason(s) underlying the child's misbehavior
What should parents not expect a preschooler to do?
Behave like an older child

What the parents need to accept when providing positive guidance to their preschoolers?
Mistakes are part of human nature and view them as tools for learning how to act
What should parents use when providing
positive guidance to their preschoolers?

Encouragement along with reinforcement

Give an example of how parents can use
encouragement along with reinforcement.
"I can see how hard you try not to give up. I hope you have tried just as hard next time this
happened, I'm proud of you for trying."
We should parents clearly identify when
providing positive guidance to their

What is appropriate and what is not

Which parents do rather than solving the
problem for the child?
Talk out a problem

Which parents do when providing positive
guidance to the preschoolers?

Take away a privilege

What should parents explain to their preschool children and help them understand?

There are alternative ways to act
What should parents not used in motivating their preschool children?


What are 2 important things about behavior problems?

Stage specific

Unique to the stage of the lifespan

What are some ways which parents involve their preschoolers deal with bedtime and sleeping problems?
Develop healthy sleep hygiene routines

Talk with children about their fears

What are common for preschoolers?
Bad dreams


What should parents do to assist preschoolers with elimination?
Protecting a child from situations that are ever stimulating or brightening may be another easy way of supporting appropriate habits

Should never shame or humiliate a child
How should parents help their preschoolers combat eating problems?

Expose children to healthy foods early

Shared meals

Powerful tools for connecting for with other
family members

What are some specific eating problems?

Resistance to eating and dawdling never food served at meals

Overeating, obesity, and poor nutritional choices as a result of lack of parental responsibility and guidance

Developing peculiar desires for nonfood items


The developing of peculiar desires for nonfood items
For many parents, what do the preschool years represent?
The best of childhood

Later will be known as the good ole' days

What children have a good grasp of as preschoolers?


Why are the preschool years consider the "awwwwwwwwwww time" of childhood?
They are affectionate, loving, and sweet

What do preschool children think about their parents?
They are wonderful

They know everything there is to know

According to Freud, what stage of our
preschoolers in?

According to Piaget, what developmental stage are they in?
The occupational stage

According to Erikson, what developmental stages are they in?
Initiative versus guilt

According to Freud, what is the task for children

this age?

To learn to identify with the same-sex parents

At the beginning of the phallic stage, what does the child tend to have?

A crush on the opposite sex parent

What would we hear little girls often say?

"I'm going to marry daddy when I grow up."

What would we hear little boys often say?

" I'm going to marry Mommy when I grow up."

By the time the children are at the end of this stage, when have boys learned?

To identify with their fathers and girls with their mothers

What takes place during the phallic stage?
Strong gender role identity

What are the 2 things that will boys learn about gender role identity during the phallic stage?

Boys learn the behaviors and attitude that
societies deem appropriate for males and girls learning the behaviors and attitudes that
societies appropriate for females
Why are Freud's ideas about gender identity
Particularly with regard to the subordination of women to men

They were rigid and helped perpetuate many stereotypes that still exist today

What do children this age create strong ideas about?
What it means to be a boy

What it means to be a girl

Piaget's preoccupational stage

Child has certainly broadened their way of
thinking from the sensorimotor stage, but is still pretty unsophisticated in the way that they think

Seeing the world from their own perspective and not recognizing how others see things
What does being egocentric include?

Preschooler believing that " they are the center of the universe, that things happen simply
because they exist, and that everything revolves around the child"
When will egocentrism change?
Around age 6 or so
What is the preschool child likely to do when asked a question on the telephone?
Nod their head into the phone

Transductive reasoning

Very common at this age

Reasoning from one particular to another

without having an understanding of the steps a reason for something

Give an example of transductive reasoning.
The preschool child who is wearing a ring and the weather is likely to say when asked why is it raining, it's raining because I'm wearing my
What skill do preschoolers use in language?
A symbolic play

How many vocabulary words do the 5-year-old have?

How will preschoolers use an object?
For a purpose other than for what it was
Give an example of how children will use an
object for a person other than for what it was designed?
Making a bow and arrow out of 2 sticks

What do you children tend to have during the preoccupation stage?
Lots of curiosity

Ask lots of questions

Give examples of the question preschoolers asked during the pre-occupational stage.

" Where was I before I was born?"

"Why does the sunshine?"

"Where do people go when they die?"

What are the 3 things that children preschool have difficulty with?


Seriation tasks

According to Piaget, what can't preschoolers do that older children or adults can?
They as logically

Give an example of how preschool children can not thinking logically at older children or adults.
They tell you which of 2 sticks is longer, but we do have problems finding a group of sticks in size order.
According to Piaget, what should parents keep in mind when interacting with their preschoolers?

Their knowledge is incomplete

Give an example of how a preschooler's
knowledge is incomplete.
Things that are obvious to the parent are very often not even recognized by the preschooler

Erikson's initiative versus guilt stage

Lasts from about age 3 – about age 5

Marked by the ability of the child to plan and
directed self initiated activity
What is the positive outcome of Erickson's
initiative versus guilt stage?
Having a sense of initiative
When do preschoolers begin to have a sense of initiative?

When the child has primarily positive

When parents encourage rather than criticize

Allow the child opportunities to set and pursue goals rather than doing everything for the child or limiting the child's experience to rigidly

Answer the child's questions rather than
ignore them or put them off

What is the purpose of parenting at the initiative versus guilt stage?
Help children grow from having total
dependence on others into individuals able to trust themselves to get around independently in the world

To help child to be able to initiate and sustain
activities and to form a positive self-concept
What would Erickson expect of parents in the
initiative versus guilt stage?

Be especially aware of their child's feelings and emotions and to respect them

What is a preschooler's most common form of emotional upset? What percent of disruptions that homelessness account for?

Accounts for about 74% of disruptions at home

What is another form of emotional upset? What percentage of distractions at home are this type??

23% of distractions at home

What are the main source of this distress?
PC interactions account for about 71%

What are the other two sources of this distress?
Siblings account for about 13%

Peer conflict account for about 6%
What is the parents' usual response to a preschooler's distress? Why should parents
react this way?
Give practical, problem-solving suggestions that the child can deal with the situation

Children are better able to plan and are more effective in social activities

What do children at this age have trouble with?

Understanding more than one emotion in a
person at a time
Give an example of how understanding more than one emotion in a person at a time is
difficult for children of this age.
They are likely to think that someone who is

nice is nice all the time

How can parents of children teach children to express themselves and find solutions to
upsetting events?

By encouraging children to express their
feelings of sadness and distress and teach the ways to deal with the feelings appropriately

Children look to adults as role models

The parent who gets upset at a situation and throws things or yells or hits, or punches the wall will show their children that this is the way to handle adversely and conflict
When do children first develop fears?
Preschool years

What are natural fears that preschool children develop?

Of the dark

Of harm from imaginary creatures

Of natural disasters like fires and storms
What can help preschool children deal with their fears?
The way parent handle these fears

What can happen to fears as the child's thinking becomes more sophisticated?
Some fears fade away

Explain how some fears occur because of things that happen in the environment.
Someone dies and the child becomes fearful that it will happen to them or their parents

There's a tornado and people's houses are blown away the child's fearful that that will
happen to his house
When are fears for children harmful?

When they are intense and prevent the child from exploring the world and interacting with other people

What type of speech do preschool children tend to use?

Private speech directed to themselves
Give examples of the private speech in which preschool children tend to use.

" I got my shoes and socks"

"First you take this long and then you put it here"

What is the purpose of the private speech in which preschoolers use?

Gives themselves validation or direction
What happens as children gain in attention span and concentration increases?

Capacity for self-control also increases

What do children know by the end of the preschool period?
Know the rules

How to follow the rules

Often without reminders
Instead of crying and temper tantrums, what will preschoolers do to try to resist following rules?
They will use verbal means of refusing and
negotiating compromises

What are some ways that you have seen preschoolers express himself emotionally?

Given what we know about the developmental stages of preschoolers, describe the task of
parenting this age group. Why?
A complicated balancing act

Parents are challenged to "adjust to a
developing child is behavior and personality traits are emerging rapidly

During the growing years (preschool years), what does the child attachment to the parents serve?

"To protect children from danger, to facilitate their exploration of the environment, to play a role in regulating physical proximity, and to

provide a sense of security and trust"

As children grow and develop, what replaces physical intervention as a means by which
parents ensure safety and proximity, and permit exploration?
Verbal interaction

What does parenting in this age period Include?

Being a sensitive, responsive caregivers to
provide feelings of security to the child

Balancing and acceptance of the child's
individuality with control of their behavior

Providing stimulating experiences with toys and people

Helping children master challenges so that they feel successful

Serving as a coach to foster the child's
increasing competence and self-control in
social relationships

Helping the child to conform to rules outside the home

Providing companionship and play
Affirming child's accomplishment of
developmental tasks

Supporting exploration of the environments of people and things

Encouraging acceptance of gender identity by
teaching acceptance of both sexes

Encouraging expression of feelings and .
associating feelings with actions

Providing information that is accurate as
possible and correcting misinformation

Encouraging the separation of fantasy from

"Understand that they play a significant role in their child's life by acting as interpreter and helping to give meaning to children's
understandings of their world
Why is providing information that is accurate as possible and correcting misinformation
extremely important?
They are imaginative

How they make unmerited assumptions
How to parents teach structure?


What are the 2 types of rules?



What are samples of nonnegotiable/negotiable rules for preschoolers?


Vital to teaching preschoolers of control of their actions
What are some developmentally appropriate consequences for preschoolers?


Sense of initiative

An attitude that "represents further adaptation to the environment"

Fosters an economy that needs preschoolers' need for accomplishment particularly their belief that "they can do something "
Sense of guilt

The alternative to acquiring a sense of initiative

The psychosocial hazard faced both by young children and those who assist them in their

developmental process

What is important for parents to know about the

initiative versus guilt stage?

"When caregivers' responses cause the young child's psychosocial focus to become centered on guilt rather than initiate, action is inhibited"

In what stage do we clearly see how socialization is done?
Initiative versus guilt


The processes by which children are taught to conform to social roles, to acquire personal
values, and to develop attitudes and behaviors typical or a representative of their cultural
Socialization of behaviors

Prosocial behaviors



Prosocial behaviors

Promote the helpfulness and concern for others


The ability to accurately comprehend the thoughts, feelings, and actions of others

Although the text highlights the difficulty in knowing how adult model that it behaviors in young children, what are some ways they model empathy for preschoolers?



Any hostile action that causes fear and leads to forceful contact with another

What are the 3 challenges to and supports for parenting preschoolers?
Sexual – role developments

Issue with this definition and the discussion
following in the text

When thinking about the parental role in the situation it is important to consider that preschoolers have internalized standards that they evaluate themselves by
Sex – role development

"An important aspect of an individual

self-concept is gender identity, the knowledge that humans are either male or female"

What are the issues with this discussion and
decision following in the text?
Conflicts gender identity and sex

Does not differentiate the knowledge of sex
variation with the actions or cultural norms
assigned it to it
Do you think that this is an issue among preschoolers?


When thinking about the parental role in this
situation what is important to consider?
Preschoolers have internalized standards that they evaluate themselves by

Establish gender identity and this identity is
unchanging over time

Prone to gender stereotyping

Give an example of gender stereotyping.

"Only boys can be doctors"

"Girls have to do the dishes"

What does what does gender stereotyping tend to be reinforced by?


The media

What do children tend to discourage?

What they consider to be gender inappropriate behavior in their peers

Give an example of how children tend to
discourage gender and appropriate behaviors and their peers.

"You can't play with that truck, you're a girl"

What are 4 developmental problems that parents need to attend to in preschoolers?
Meeting physiological needs

Getting control of bodily functions

Getting control of eating problems

Getting control of emotional reactions

"The broad aspects of sexual interests, attitudes, and activities that are an expression of a

person's total being"

What is a typical question concerning sexuality?

"Where do babies come from?"

What should parents remember when
responding to the questions about sexuality?
It's not just what you say but it's how you say it

Preschoolers easily absorbed any feelings of
embarrassment that accompany apparent
answers to sexual questions

What are young children unable to
The mechanics involved in human reproduction

What can be challenging issues for both parents and children?
Getting control of bodily functions

Bodily functions



What do children this age actually become
interested in?

Their own bodies

Other peoples' bodies

What is not unusual for preschool children?

"Playing doctor"

Comparing body parts with another child

What do preschoolers often find pleasurable?

Touching their genitals

How do some parents react to their
preschoolers pleasurably touching their
Negatively by even scaring the child with their

What is a better response parents can give to their preschoolers who find pleasure in touching their genitals?
Sit down and have a talk with the child about their body and privacy issues, what is
appropriate and where
What types of eating problems may
preschoolers gravitate toward?

Resistance to eating

Dawdling over food served at meals

Developing particular desires for non-food items

Irrational fears

Fears that are normal

Some are even healthy

Give examples of irrational fears.
Parents will die

The earth will open up and they will fall in

What should parents do to fears seem to be
interfering with the child's normal daily

Discover the cause of the fear

Give an example of the cause of an irrational fear.
If there was a tornado in the next town, the child may worry about a tornado hitting his house

Sometimes, what does it take to allay a child's fears?
Lots of conversations between the parent and child

How should parents consider these how should parents consider these multiple conversations with their child?

Take time and consider them as an investment in their child's emotional well-being

The child is showing aggression toward other children what is important for the parents do?

Determine the cause

Possible causes of aggression

Sometimes the child has been bullied by another child and decide that he will then bully others

They may have older siblings who are aggressive with them so he emulates behavior with his peers

They may have seen it something on TV and are emulating that behavior
Does the reason of aggression really matter?
Whatever the reason, parents need to help their children learn to behave in a way that curbs the aggression
What is the second step intending to
developmental problems associated with
Help the child label anger and articulate the
reason for aggression
Give an example of how parents can help the child label anger and articulate the reason for the aggression.

"Are you angry because John took your toy

without asking?"

What is the third step for parents attending to
preschoolers developmental problems such as aggression?

Learn to use words as means of expression

Give an example of how parents can use

words as a means of the expression.

"Tell John that you don't like it when he takes your toys"

Which parents look at when attending to preschoolers developmental problems such as aggression?
Their own behavior to see if the child modeling

what she sees the parents doing

Which theory is attending to preschoolers
developmental problems a part of?
Remember social learning theory

External supports

Various institutions are available to assist
parent in their task of parenting preschoolers

Give an example of external support.
Child care centers

What are common concerns for the external support?
Stringent health and safety requirements for the facilities, supplies, equipment, and
environmental health

Licensure and state regulations

Safe play area, playgrounds, and

Nutrition and food services

Adequate staffing and qualified personnel

Developmentally appropriate setting

Curriculum and program activities

Quality and continuity of care

Relationship with the caretaker and continuity of care

Emotional climate

Opportunities for comfortable play with other children

Respect for children's individual means

What type of relationship that non-parental adults promote?
When children have a greater impact than the methods used in working with children

Licensure of childcare centers


Monitored regularly to ensure compliance
Accredited center

Meets stringent national standards

Monitored by an ever seeing accrediting body


What should parents conscientiously check?
A center's licensure and accreditation status
before enrolling their child

Preschool programs

More educational than custodial in nature

Typically held for short period of time

Goal of preparing students to enter the school setting

Specialized curriculum program

Montessori programs
Montessori programs

Cognitive-based curriculums

Provide opportunities for young children classify subjects as one of many activities
Special needs program

These programs typically involve children with

special physical, developmental, or mental


Compensator programs (Headstart)

Designed to provide a variety of experiences for children from families with fewer resources

Promote a preschooler's acquisition of language, social and cognitive skills to enhance the child's self-concept and a sense of initiative