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153 Cards in this Set

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BMI is not a __
measure of body composition
can offer a classification for overweight and obesity
BMI= __
a BMI of <18.5 is __
a BMI of 18.5-24 is __
a BMI of 25-29.9 is __
a BMI of 30-34.9 is __
obesity class 1
a BMI of 35-39.9 is __
obesity class 2
a BMI of >40is __
extreme obesity
involves seinding a current through the body and measuring teh resistance to the current to estimate body composition
bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)
BIA accuracy varies depending on __
hydration levels
BIA has a standard error of +/- __
about __% of our body fat is subcutaneous
involves measuring the thickness of skinfolds (3-7 sites) and summing them can then be used to determine body density
skinfold thickness
skinfold thickness has a standard error of +/- __%
body composition method that depends on the fact that fat tissue is less dense than lean tissue, making one less boyant
hydrostatic underwater weighing
__ is calculated by determining underwater weight
whole body volume
when doing hydrostatic weighing, volum must be corrected for air inside of the body that cannot be removed: __ and __ air
RV and GI
hydrostatic weighing has a standard error of +-__%
measures small changes in pressure as a result of a change in volume of air in the chamber to calculate the volume of the individual sitting in the chamber
air displacement plethysmography (bod pod)
the bod pod has a standard error of +/- __%
uses a single X-ray source to determine whole body and regional estimates of lean tissue, bone, mineral, and fat composition
Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry
dual energy Xray absorptiometry has a standard error of +/- __%
obesity is a world wide epidemic that affects __ of adults in the U.S.
obesity increases all cause mortality, esepcially __ risks
the 5 leading causes of death 100 years ago were __
influenza and pnumonia, tuberculosis, diarrhea, heart disease, and stroke
the 5 leading cuases of death TODAY are __
heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke, accidents
the top three actual causes of death are __, __, and __
smoking, poor diet, and alcohol consumption
age, gender, race, and suseptibility to disease are all __ risk factors
__, __, and __ are enviornmental risk factor
physical, socioeconomic, and family
smoking, poor nutrition and inactivity, drinking alcohol, overuse of medication, fast driving/no seat belt, and pressure to succeed are __ risk factors
__% of healthcare costs are spend on preventable diseaseas
__, __, and __ are preventable diseases
heart disease/stroke, metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes
the gradual narrowing of teh arteries serving teh heart (or brian [stroke] due to a thickening of inner lining of teh artery (atherosclerosis)
heart disease (cardiovascular disease)
a study of heart disease form 1949-present: an observational sutdy in 5000 people to determine the risk factors for developing CVD
framingham study
__ is the leading risk factor in heart disease
physical inactivity
a collection of symptoms/conditions that when occuring together suggest the presence of a disease or increase the chance of developing a disease
metabolic syndrome is defined as waist circumference of __ (men) __ (women), hypertriglyceridemia of less than or equal to __ mg/dl, low HDL cholesterol of <__ mg/dl in men and <__ mg/dl in women, high blood pressure __ mm Hg, and high fasting blood glucose __ mg/dl
102, 88, 150, <40, <50, less, greater than or equal to 130/85, greater than or equal to 100
__, __, __, __, and __ are characteristics of metabolic syndrome
abdominal obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high fasting blood glucose
over __% of people 60+ have metabolic syndrome
__, __, and __ are the three main causes of metabolic syndrome
exercise and diet, obesity, and genetic factors
type __ diabetes is the most common form
type of diabetes that can be controlled with diet, exercise, weight loss, and oral medication
type 2
caused by inadequate insulin secretion due to an autoimmune destructin of beta cells in the pancreas
type 1 diabetes
type 1 diabetics are insulin dependent for __
where individual has insulin resistance because of reduced insulin actin on insulin receptors due to very high blood glucose levels. beta cells respond by producing more insulin
type 2 diabetes
during type 2 diabetes, the __ continues to produce glucose but drugs can block it
with type 2 diabetes, over time beta cells can die causeing __ which will lead to mandatory insulin injections
insulin deficiency
__ is the leading cuase of blindess in working age adults, end stage renal disease, and nontraumatic lower extremity ampuations
exericse may cause a large drop in glucose called __
exercise __ and __ for type 2 diabetics
reduces weight, helps control blood glucose
exercise and diet can even __ type 2 diabetes
FIT, an exercise guide for diabetic fitness stands for
frequency (3-4x a week), intensity (60-80% of maximal HR), time (20-30 min)
__ is recommended to help control hypertension (especially if its just borderline before drugs)
aerobic exercise reduces BP by __ mm hg
__ are drusg that reduce max HR
beta blockers
__ increases blood volume
the effects of sodium, smoking and alcohol on BP are __
__ is not an acceptred and prescribed part of therapy used to restore the life of someone who has heart disease
exercise training
phase __ of cardiac rehab deals with transition from CV event to teh time of discharge from the hospital
phase __ of cardiac rehab uses warm up stretching, endurance, and strengthening exercises, and cool down activities, target HR is determined from GXT due to meds, exercise is done 2-3 days a week
phase __ or cardiac rehab focuses on endurance and strength where exercises facilitate, not interfere with healing processes of teh heart
cardia rehab results in improved __, higher __, and improved __
VO2 max, work rates without chest pain, lipid profile
__% of those who are referred to cardiac rehab are actually enrolled
any form of muscular activity; results in the expenditure of energy proportional to muscular work and related to fitness
physical acitivty
set of attributes that people have to develop that relate to teh ability to perform physical activity (eg VO2 max)
physcial fitness
subset of physical activity that is PLANNED with a goal of improving or maintaining fitness
the risk of CV complications during exercise is related to the degree of __
pre-exisiting cardiac disease
the __ is a popular health screening survey
PAR-Q and you
the emphasis in any health related exercise program is to do __ rather than too much
__ is a large reason many poeple turn away from inital exercise
muscle soreness
when walking on a treadmill, avioid __
hanging on teh handrails
less weight bearing than walking, has a "set" ROm that may not be optimal for everone
for walking alternatives it is more difficult to maintain target __
improves teh transition from rest to exercise
warm up and stretch
warm up should last at least __ min
consists of slow walking and stretching to gradually return BP and HR to normal, also reduces the liklihood of hypotensive epieode
cool down/stretch
dose of exercise is dependent on __, __, and __
intensity, frequency, and duration
dose of exercise component: %VO2 max or HR, percieved exertion, lactate threshold (talk test)
dose of exercise component: the number of days/week and times/day
dose of exercise component: number of minutes/exercise, total Kcals expended
the optimal training intesnsity, frequncy and duration of exercise occurs at __% of VO2 max
Heart rate reserve = __
max HR-resting HR
Target HR zone = __
(HRR x 60% + HHR) - (HHR x 80%+ HRR)
the __ response to exercise occur with one or several exercise bouts but do not improve further
the __ response to exercise has benefits that occur early and plateau
the __ response to exercise has gains that are made continuously over time
the __ response to exercise occur only after weeks of trianing
states that a system or tissue must be exercised at a level beyond "normal" or what the person is used to in order for a training effect to occur
overload prinicple
in the overload prinicple, __ occurs and then progessively and systematically overload a system to produce adaptations and improved function over time
gradual adaptations to the new load
states that fitness gains by exercising at overload can be quickly lost when training stops/overload is removed
exercise training is specific to __ (5)
the muscles involved, the types of muscles, the energy systems used, teh velocity of contraction, and the type of msucle contraction
__ exercise causes increased capillary and mitochondria number
endurance exercise
__ causes increased number of contractile proteins (hypertrophy) and little change or decrease in mitochoindria or capillarization
resistance training
__ = improved capacity of glycolysis, krebs cycle, and ETC, and energy utilzation
aerobic training
reproducible measure of teh capacity of teh cardiovascualr system to deliver oxygenated blood to a large muscle mass during exercise
VO2 max
training at __% VO2 max will improve VO2
__ have the highest VO2 maxes
cross country skiers
within 2-3 months, increase in VO2 max can occur between __% but as low as __% if the individual already has a high VO2 max
15-20, 2-3
VO2 max is approximately __% hereditary
response to training is highly dependent upon __
__ cause the differences in the hereditary aspect of VO2 max and response to training
mitochondrial DNA
repeated bouts of higher intensity, with recovery periods in between
interval training
to improve VO2 max, intervals should last longer than __ to minimize anaerobic system involvement
1 min
__ intervals are more effective in improving aerobic power/capacity
high intensity
you can overload intervals by increaseing __, __, or __
# of intervals, intnsity of interval, or shorter rest periods
the highest percent of improvement in VO2 max is found at __% VO2 max training
endurance training at low intensities (50-60% VO2 max) for longer durations than compeition with the theory taht improvments in endurance are proportional to volume of training
long, slow distance (LSD)
endurance training that improves VO2 max and LT thresholds in athlets, intensities between 90-100% of VO2 max are used to improve aerobic capacity
hgih intensity, continuous
live high train low training provides improvements in __ which can increase oxygen carrying capacity to the muscles
RBC count
VO2 max = __
CO x A-VO2 max differeance
four mechanisms for improved VO2 max
increased SV, increased A-VO2 differance, biochemical adapations, muscle type changes
what increases A-VO2 difference?
increased mitochondrial density, increased capillarization
what biochemical adapatinos increase VO2 max?
substrate transport, increased antioxidant capacity
what kind of muscle type changes improve VO2 max
type IIx -> type IIa
if training is stopped, there is a __ effect
faster rise in oxygen uptake leads to __ lactate formation and __ PC depletion
less, less
many olympic athletes are diagnosed for __, possibly for performance enhancing purposes
the majority of endurance injuries occur as a result of __, and are almost always in the __
overtraining, lower body
four common kinds of endurance injuries
runners knee, ITBS, tendonitis, plantar fascitis
endurance injuries often indicate __
muscle imbalance
the __ states that training intensity or duration should not be increased more than 10%/week to avoid overtraining
ten percent rule
decrease in performance, loss of body weight, chronic fatigue, increased number of infections, psychological staleness, and elevated HR and blood lactate levels during exercise are all symptoms of __
if events last <60 sec they depend mostly on __ production of energy, therefore training to improve this involves increaseing the capacity of teh __ and __ energy systems
anaerobic, ATP-PCr and anaerobic glycolysis
anaerobic training = __
tarining above 100% VO2 max
speed training = __ seconds
after 10 sec of maximal effort, there is a growing dependence upon __ for ATP production
anaerobic glycolysis
interval training for the ATP-PCr system is __ sec at __ intensity with __ sec of rest
5-10, high, 30-60
during interval training, it takes __ sec to overload the glycolytic pathway
the goal of __ is to increase max amount of force and power generated by a particular muscle group
training to improve muscular strength
muscular contraction where the muscle has the same length, is not preferred because strength isn't improved over the full range of motion of a muscle
the most common kind of resistance training, where the same amount of weight is moved
a kind of resistance training used in rehabilitaiton and in measuring muscular strength, where the muscle moves at the same speed of movment
during strength training for a short duration, __ are the primary mechanism for strength gains
neural adaptations
three neural adaptations that are responsible for gains in strength
learning, coordination, recruiting primary muscles
there is evidence that whe you train one are or leg, the __ arm also exhibits some improvement in strength
an increase in muscle fiber diameter due to an increase in myofibrils
increase in teh number of muscle fibers
__ may occur during strength training but the research is not clear
4 physiological adaptations to strength training
neurological adaptations, muscluar adaptation (incrase in muscle size due to hypertrophy), muscle fiber type trainsitions (type IIx -> IIa), increase in muscle antioxidant capacity
DOMS occurs __ hours after strenuous exercise
Delayed onset muscle soreness pain is actually caused by __
the __ states that increased intramuscular connective tissue cuases adaptation and increased strength
connective tissue theory
__ have been used to mask steroid use
the inability to maintain a power output or force during repeated muscle contractions
two kinds of fatigue
central, peripheral
peripheral fatigue can be affected by __, __, __, and __
diet, energy production capability, muscle contraction capability, strength/skill
caused by the reduction in the number of functioning motor units and motor unit firing frequency
central fatigue
arousal, shouting, cheering, etc is aimed at minimizing __
central fatigue
peripheral fatigue is caused by deificts in __, __, and __
exitation/contraction, mechanical, energetics of skeletal muscle
the __ inability to maintain Na/K concentrations cecessary for repeated stimulation may cause peripheral fatigue
why does increased acidity cause peripheral fatigue?
H+ binds to troponin, blocks Ca
accmulation of __ may be an energetic cause of peripheral fatigue