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Electronics Communication by Frenzel 4th Edition

Chapter 1

What is Communication?

Communication is the process of exchanging information

Two of the main barriers to human communication

Two of the main barriers to human communication are language and distance.

All electronic communication systems have

All electronic communication systems have a transmitter, a communication channel or medium, and a receiver

In electronic communication systems, the message is referred to as

In electronic communication systems, the message is referred to as information, or an intelligence signal

Noise is

Noise is the general term applied to any phenomenon that degrades or interferes with the transmitted information.

A general model of all communication sytem

The first step in sending a message

The first step in sending a message is to convert it into electronic form suitable for transmission.

For voice messages,

For voice messages, a microphone is used to translate the sound into an electronic audio signal.

For TV,

For TV, a camera converts the light information in the scene to a video signal.

In computer systems,

In computer systems, the message is typed on a keyboard and converted to binary codes that can be stored in memory or transmitted serially

Transducers convert

Transducers convert physical characteristics (temperature, pressure, light intensity, and so on) into electrical signals.

The transmitter itself is a

The transmitter itself is a collection of electronic components and circuits designed to convert the electrical signal to a signal suitable for transmission over a given communication medium.

Transmitters are made up of

Transmitters are made up of oscillators, amplifiers, tuned circuits and filters, modulators, frequency mixers, frequency synthesizers, and other circuits.

The communication channel is

The communication channel is the medium by which the electronic signal is sent from one place to another

A receiver is

A receiver is a collection of electronic components and circuits that accepts the transmitted message from the channel and converts it back to a form understandable by humans.

Receivers contain

Receivers contain amplifiers, oscillators, mixers, tuned circuits and i lters, and a demodulator or detector that recovers the original intelligence signal from the modulated carrier.