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47 Cards in this Set

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01. Endoleak is present when there is:

• Flow within the residual aneurysm sac

02. Duplex ultrasound can differentiate Ao. Aneurysm disease from:

• Tortuosity

03. Which of the following statements about aortic aneurysm disease is incorrect?

• it is most often superior to the renal arteries

04. Which of the following is an indication to perform an aortoiliac ultrasound?

• Blue toe syndrome

05. Iliac arteries are often torturous, deep and may have overlying bowel gas. All of the following may be helpful in examining the aortoiliac segment completely except:

• using a 10 - 12 MHz transducer

06. Lateral wall pictures of a blood vessel:

• are subject to acoustic drop out and thus less accurate

07. Precise determination of the measurement of aortic diameter should be taken:

• perpendicular to the aorta itself

08. Color flow Imaging is helpful with all of the following except:

• confirming the percentage of stenosis

09. What is the most common type of aortic aneurysm?

• Fusiform

10. List Saccular aneurysm characters

Asymmetric outpouching dilations, caused by trauma or penetrating aortic ulcers

11. All of the following are true of Saccular aneurysms except:

• they only involve the outer vessel wall.

12. Intraluminal iliac or aorta stents placed for atherosclerosis disease should be:

• well opposed to the vessel wall

13. A reverse flow component in early diastole should be present in all of these vessel except:

• the proximal abdominal aorta

14. The most threatening consequence of endoleak following aortic endovascular stent graft repair (EVRS) is:

• Aneurysm rupture

15. Distal to the distal attachment/ fixation site complications may occur at the access site. Which of the following is least likely to occur :

• Vasospasm

16. Flow Into a residual aneurysm sack of the lumbar artery is what type of the endoleak

• Type II

17. Symptoms of chronic mesenteric ischemia

• ab pain & cramping after eating

• Abdominal bruit

• weight loss

• sitophobia

• diarrhea

18. Which vessels link the celiac artery and SMA via branches around the duodenum and pancreas?

• superior & inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries

19. Which to mesenteric arteries are connected by the Arc of riolan?

• superior & inferior mesenteric artery

20. Identify the transducer type and the frequency commonly used to assess the mesenteric arteries.

• Low frequency transducer 2-5 MHz

21. Describe resistance changes in a normal SMA Doppler waveform before and after a meal

• Before = high Resistance

• After = low Resistance

22. Describe the changes is seen in the normal fasting SMA flow following a test meal.

• PSV double

• EDV triples

23. Describe flow direction in celiac artery occlusion.

• Low pressure (SMA collaterals) retrograde flow in the common hepatic artery.

24. Describe compensatory flow in critical stenosis or occlusion of the celiac artery

• elevated PSV in the SMA even though the SMA is widely patent.

25. Describe median arcuate syndrome

• transient compression of the celiac artery origin by the median arcuate ligament of the diaphragm

26. Identify the most common. Visceral artery aneurysm

• Splenic Artery aneurysm

27. Describe acute mesenteric ischemia and how it occurs

• patients experience pain out of proportion to physical findings.

• bowel necrosis happens rapidly with a high mortality rate

• curse from envelopes to mesenteric artery, thrombosis of an artery with existing chronic disease

28. Identify the area where the majority of visceral emboli Lodge

• distal SMA where ultrasound cannot visualize

29. Identify what has the greatest impact on the diameter of the IVC

• Hydration Status

30. This vein can return blood to the heart from the lower extremities in cases where the intrahepatic portion of the IVC is congenitally absent

• Azygos Vein

31. Identify the lateral tributaries of the IVC

• Renal Veins

32. Identify the landmark used to identify the Confluence of the common iliac vein into the IVC when the patient is in the left lateral decubitus position

Inferior pole of the right kidney

33. Describe the normal sonographic appearance of the IVC on the iliac veins


Muscular walls

34. List the various IVC and iliac vein pathologies that can be evaluated with the grayscale Imaging


Intraluminal tumors

Extrinsic compression

35. The appearance of acute thrombus of the IVC

Virtually anechoic

Poorly detectable with grayscale imaging

36. Describe the echogenicity of thrombus as it increases in age over the course of several days and weeks

Echogenicity increases as it ages

37. These veins are most typically the corporate of intraluminal tumors with the IVC and iliacs

Hepatic and renal veins

38. Extension compression of the IVC by tumors May most likely result in this?

Distention of the distal IVC

39. Identify the sonographic characteristics of intraluminal tumors

Moderately echogenic and will demonstrate flow within the mask on color flow mapping. Small vessels can be seen within the tumor

40. Location where IVC filters are typically placed?

Below the level of the renal arteries

identify a complication seen when a shunt of an IVC filter penetrates the wall of the IVC


42. Describe the effects of patients fluid status on the cardiac pulsatility in the IVC

Fluid overload

43. Describe normal flow patterns in the IVC in the upper and lower abdomen

Upper = pulsatile

Lower = phasic

44. Identify the probable cause of a pulsatile waveform throughout the IVC and into the iliac veins

Severe fluid overload

45. Explain why IVC filter placement by ultrasound is adventitious

Use of duplex ultrasound can move procedure to the bedside, does not require exposure to radiation or intravenous contrast

46. Image to be obtained to confirm a proper IVC filter expansion upon completion of ultrasound-guided IVC filter placement

Transverse grayscale

47. These two characteristics can be observed with a spontaneous aortocaval fistulas

Tissue bruit

Pulsatile flow proximal to the fistula