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17 Cards in this Set

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Describe the relationship between the strength of a returning Echo and the brightness of the dot on the display in brightness mode

Strong reflection = bright

Weak reflection = dark


Amplitude mode. Nearly obsolete. Single beam analyzed.

X = depth

y = amplitude


Brightness mode.


Outdated technology. Not real time


Motion mode. Used in Echo and Obi to see fetal heart rate

X = time

Y = depth


🔹 Spectrum

🔹 color

🔹 power

🔹 duplex = combination

Which AutoZone application commonly uses M-mode

Echo and Obi to see fetal heart rate

Describe duplex Imaging

Duplex = combination of two or more us modes

What is the purpose of a scan converter

Converts analog to digital and vice versa

Five main components of the transducer assembly

🔹 Crystal pzt

🔹 matching layers

🔹 damping material

🔹 case

🔹 cable / wire

Linear array transducer footprint and shape

Elements arranged in line. Rectangular image

Vector ultrasound transducer Footprints and shape

Small footprint. Trapezoidal image

Sector ultrasound transducer footprint and shape

Small footprint pie-shaped image

Curved array transducer footprint and shape

Elements arranged convexly. Fan shaped image

Multi d array footprint and shape

3D and 4D Imaging

Briefly explain 4D Ultrasound

Real-time 3D imaging

Ultrasound harmonics characteristics

🔹 twice the fundamental frequency

🔹 generated as sound propagates through tissue

🔹 remove noise from Imaging