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44 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is not usually predictive of renal arterial occlusion?

Cortical velocities of 20 cm/s

Elevated renal vascular resistance is not a consideration when:

Diastolic flow is 40% of systolic

A proximal flow reducing renal artery stenosis would be identified by all of the following except?

A peak systolic velocity less than 180 cm/s

Which of the following is not a characteristic of flow reducing renal artery stenosis?

Laminar flow profile

Medial fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) occurs most often in the

Mid to distal renal artery

Approximately what percentage of patients with hypertension have underlined renal diseases as a cause of their elevated blood pressure?


Renal artery stenosis is suspected with all of the following except?

Acute left or right flank pain

The length of the normal adult kidney is:

8 to 13 cm

Nutcracker syndrome is the result of extrinsic compression of what vein?

Left renal vein

Normal portal vein diameter measures:

Less than 13 mm

Postprandially, portal vein velocity

Increase is 50 to 100%

Normal Doppler signals from the portal vein are:

Monophasic with slight pulsatility

Splenic vein diameters normally changes with deep inspiration. What changes occur which indicate the presence of portal hypertension?

A diameter increase of less than 20%

The hepatic artery normally displays:

A PSV from 70 to 120 cm/s.

RI from 0.5 - 0.7

The most common cause of portal hypertension in North America is:


Normal portal venous pressure is between:

5 and 10 mmhg

Sonographic findings in Portal hypertension can include all the following except


The main portal vein is formed by the Confluence of the:

Splenic vein

Superior mesenteric vein

Normal portal venous flow systolic velocities range from:

10 - 30 cm/s

And approximately 96% of individuals, two out of three of the hepatic veins join together to form a common trunk before entering the IVC. Which two veins are they

Middle and left hepatic vein

Which of the following is a common indication for a duplex ultrasound Examination for the hepatoportal system

Systemic hypertension

Tardus-parvus waveforms are noted in the right and left intrahepatic arteries. What is the most likely explanation?

Proximal hepatic artery stenosis

Which of the following is a normal main hepatic artery waveform in a patient's status post liver transplantation?

Peak systolic velocity less than 200 cm/s

All of the following are indications for liver transplants, except?


The most common collateral shunt is the:

Coronary esophageal route

Recanalized para umbilical vein is located:

At the fissure for the ligamentum teres

Which of the following is not associated with a TIPS stenosis

The focal increase in stent velocities of greater than 30 cm/s

Most duplicated renal arteries arise from

Aortic wall below the main renal artery

What percentage of patients presents with bilateral renal artery stenosis


Medial fibromuscular dysplasia has a sonographic appearance described as

Multiple segmental concentric narrowing and dilations

The position of the renal arteries is normally:

Inferior to the left renal vein

As the portal vein flows to the liver decreases, hepatic artery flow:


During right atrial contraction, which of the following occurs?

Retrograde flow in the hepatic vein.

Collangenous tissue in the walls of this vessel creates bright echogenic borders

The portal veins

The peak systolic velocity of the normal proximal renal artery ranges:

90 - 120 cm/s

The liver receives a dual blood supply from the

Hepatic artery and portal vein

The primary outflow tract for the liver is:

The hepatic veins

Increased portal vein diameter, hepatofugal flow, and ascites are sonographic findings consistent with this?

Portal hypertension

The most common vascular complication following renal transplant?

Renal artery stenosis

The Doppler signal flow pattern in a patient post renal transplant biopsy with a psuedoanuerysm?

To and fro

Most common location for a transplanted kidney?

Right iliac fossa

Hepatic artery stenosis is usually do to this?

Surgical techniques

Poor liver functions,…. billiary ischemia are often associated with this?

Hepatic artery stenosis

This is when a jump vein might be used?

Donor portal vein thrombosis