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21 Cards in this Set

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1. The two major criteria for the diagnosis of endocarditis are Echo evaluation of the endocardial involvement and:

Persistent bacterium

2. On 2D echocardiography, which features do not typify a valvular vegetation

Downstream attachment

3. Aortic valve vegetations are most often detected in which of the following views?


4. A vegetation that causes the rapid oscillation motion can be appreciated on


5. Aortic valve is associated with normal structures that can be mistaken for vegetation. What are these structures called?

Nodule of Aransas

lambl's excrescence

6. Which valve is associated with vegetation due to IV drug use?

Tricuspid valve

7. Which of the following is the most common origin of metastatic cardiac tumor


8. Cardiac malignancies most often involve which area of the heart?


9. Where is metastatic disease rarely seen?

In the endocardium

10. What percentage of primary cardiac tumors are benign?


11. I'd malignant vs benign tumors.


12. What is the most common abnormality of the aorta


13. Which of the following will result in a water balloon appearance of the proximal aorta

Loeys-Dietz syndrome

14. An aneurysm of the left coronary cusp will protrude into the blank


15. Your patient has atherosclerosis in the aorta, what could this be a marker for

Coronary artery disease

16. Which setting control is useful in obtaining normal flow patterns of the descending aorta

Well filter

17. Measurements of the ascending aorta corresponds to what phase of the EKG

Most reliable at and diastole

18. Identify the sinus of valsalva aortic root sign of Jupiter Duck shirt and the ascending aorta


19. How is corrected transposition described


Which of the following is not considered a characteristic of a complex atheroma

Uniform echogenicity

And interatrial septum aneurysm is defined as a transient bulging of the fossa ovalis region where total Excursion of the septal plane exceeds

15 mm