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21 Cards in this Set

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<20 Hz

Audible sound

20Hz - 20,000 Hz (20kHz)

Ultrasound frequency

>20 kHz

Identify the condition where ultrasound does not exist

A vacuum

Describe the piezoelectric effect

Converting energy by applying pressure or electrical signals to a crystal

Identify the beam angle that ensures strong returning echoes

Strongest are perpendicular to what you are Imaging.

What happens to the sound beam as it travels through the body?


List of forms of attenuation

🔹 reflections

🔹 scattering

🔹 absorption

How the degree of impedance mismatch in tissue density affects the strength of returning echoes

The higher the degree of impedance mismatch, the greater amount of reflections

Acoustic impedance of air

. 0004 low

Acoustic impedance of bone

7.8 high

Which organ conducts sound so low that they cannot be imaged with ultrasound?

The lungs

How does frequency affect resolution

Increasing the frequency improves resolution but decreases penetration

How does frequency affect penetration

Decreasing the frequency increases penetration but diminishes resolution

Explain how transducers should be chosen

Transducers are chosen according to the structure being examined and the size of the patient

Transducer frequency for deep abdomen, OB / GYN, Echo

2.5 MHz

Transducer frequency General abdomen, OB / GYN / Echo

3.5 MHz

Transducer frequency vascular, GYN

5 MHz

Transducer frequency for breast, thyroid, testes

7.5 MHz

Transducer frequencies for breast, thyroid, testes, superficial veins, superficial masses

10 + MHz

Region of the transducer where the beam is relatively narrow

Focal Zone