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11 Cards in this Set

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Summarize the physical growth and change that take place during early childhood

The pace of physical development slows in early childhood

From ages 3 to 6 usually grow 2-3 inches per year and add 5-7 pounds

These averages are lower in developing countries due to inadequate nutrition

Describe the changes in brain development that take place during early childhood and the aspects of brain development that explain infantile amnesia

Changes during this period take place in the growth of connections between neurons and myelination of the corpus callosum,cerebellum, reticular formation and the hippocampus

Researchers said infantile amnesia was due to immaturity of hippocampus

Identify the main nutritional deficiencies and the primary sources of injury, illness, and mortality during early childhood in developed and developing countries

About 80% of children in developing countries experience nutritional deficiencies but a high percentage of children in developed countries experience them as well

Calcium is the most common nutritional deficiency in the us

In developing countries the malnutrition problems are lack of proteins due lack of iron

Specify the main changes in gross and fine motor abilities during early childhood

From age 3-6 children learn to make more hops in a row and hop on one foot , jump farther from a standing position and make a running jump, climb stairs without support

In fine motor development children learn to pick up small objects more quickly and precisely, draw something that is recognizable to others, Erie their first letters and some short words

Describe the development of handedness and identify the consequences and cultural views of left handedness

About 10% of children are left handed. Handedness is due primarily to the direction in which fetuses lie in the womb

Being left handed is associated both with higher risk of development problems and with exceptional verbal, math, and visual spatial abilities

Features of Piaget’s preoperational stage of cognitive development

Piaget viewed children 2-7 as capable of mental representations but prone to variety of errors including centration lack of reversibility , egocentrism and animism

Research showed he underestimated the cognitive abilities of early childhood

Theory of mind

Is the ability to attribute mental states to self and others and to understand that others have beliefs intentions and perspectives that are different from ones own.

Identify the ways that cultural learning takes place in early childhood

A great deal of cultural learning takes place in early childhood through observing and working alongside parents or siblings and in many cultures children begin to make important work contributions to the family during this stage

Identify the features that are most important in preschool quality and explain how they reflect cultural values

Children generally benefit cognitively from attending preschool, especially when program quality is high , key dimensions of high quality programs include education and training of teachers, class size and child teacher ratio

Early interventions programs and their outcomes

Early interventions programs have often resulted in a short term rise in iq that then fades after a few years. High quality interventions have demonstrated long term positive social and behavioral outcomes in adolescents and adults

How Vocabulary and grammar occur in early childhood

From about a thousand words at age 3 to about 2,500 words at 6 and children readily grasp the grammatical rules of their culture with few errors by age 4