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10 Cards in this Set

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The most important androgen is


Menarche takes place as late as age 15 in developing countries due to

Lack of nutrition and medical care

Puberty rituals are more common for girls than boys T OR F


Adolescent girl who have an eating disorder are at high risk for other mental issues T OR F


Social substance abuse

Substance use of an adolescent who drinks alcohol only when hanging out with friends

The ability to reason in adolescence....

Utilizes the hypothetical thinking involved in a scientific experiment

Compare to Japanese schools , schools in the United States......

Place a greater emphasis on creativity

Adolescents in developing countries who work part time.....

Do not typically see their high school jobs as the basis for a future career

What would a developmental psychologist use the experience sampling method for

To examine changes in emotions in different social settings

Adolescents are likely to show their false selves in ...

Dating partners