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5 Cards in this Set

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Physical health

Physical health is generally very good in young adulthood but the aging process is evident in changes such as fraying hair, looser skin, and a less effective immune system


Among adults a BMI above 25 is classified as overweight and above 30 is considered obesity, obesity increases sharply in prevalence during young adulthood in developed countries

Partly due to a decrease in the basal metabolic rate but also due to sedentary work, little regular exercise and eating too much food contains too much fats and sugars

IQ scores

IQ scores in childhood and adolescence predict many aspects of young development with substantial accuracy, including income and occupational status. Longitudinal studies have shown that exceptionally high IQ scores in childhood predict adult careers success and lower likelihood of personal and mental health


Many cultures include social skills and social responsibility in their conceptions of intelligence.


Expertise is defined as extensive knowledge and skills in a specific field. It usually takes about 10 years to establish, so it often develops as emerging adults become young adults and stay in a stable line of work for years