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34 Cards in this Set

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What is the food we eat made up?

Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.

How many chemical reactions does the enzyme allow that are occurring within the cells of our bodies to proceed at low enough temperatures to not damage our cells?

200,000 chemical reactions

What are the chemicals of life?

Vitamins and Minerals, Lipids(Fats), Carbohydrates, Proteins and Nucleic Acids.

What are carbohydrates?

a primary energy source of cells and structural material of plant cell walls.

What are Vitamins and minerals?

they help in chemical reactions and often found in complex chemicals

What are Lipids (Fats)?

they are energy storage compound and structural compenent of cell membranes.

What are proteins?

stuctural components of the cell and composed of amino acids.

What are nucelic Acids?

genetic material that directs cell activity and composed of sugar,phosphate and nitrogen bases.

What are large organic molescules called and what are their 4 main categories?

Macromolecules and the 4 main categories are cabrohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucelic acids.

What is a metabolism and what can these reactions be?

the chemical reaction that take place within a cell to support and sustains its life functions and the reactions can be catabolic or anabolic.

what is the meaning of catabolic?

chemicals that are broken down

What is hydrolysis?

the process where larger molecules are broken down into smaller molecules by the addition of water.

How do cells disassemble macromolecules in to their component subunits?

By performing hydrolysis.

What happens during hydrolysis reactions?

a hydrogen atom from water is attached to one subunit of the macromolecule and the hydroxyl group (OH) is bonded to another. This breaks a covalent bond in the molecule and breaks the large macromolecules down into smaller molecules and this process involves enzymes.

What is the defintion of anabolic?

reactions in which larger chemicals are built from smaller components.

What is Dehydration synthesis?

the process where larger molecules are formed by the removal of water from two smaller molecules.

What are carbohydrates?

stored source of energy.

what do plants use to produce carbohydrates during photosynthesis?

they use solar energy and combine CO2 and H20.

What does carbohydrates contain?

carbon, hydrogen and oxygens 1-2-1 ratio.

example would glucose is a hexose (6carbon) sugar, C6H12O6

How can you recognize common sugars?

By the -ose suffix in their names, glucose, lactose, sucrose, even deoxyribose (inDNA) and cellulose(large molecule in plant cell walls.

how can carbohydrates be classified?

By the number of sugar units that they contain.

What are 3 classifcations?

Monosaccharide, Disaccharide,Polysaccharide

What is a monosaccharide?

It is a simple sugar and mono which means one and consist of a single sugar unit.

What is a disaccharide?

Di which means two consists of two sugar units.

What is a polysaccharide?

poly which means "consists of many", is a repeating monosaccharide sugar units bonded together and also is a complex carbohydrate that is made from many single sugars bonded together by dehyration synthesis.W

how are disaccharides formed?

by dehydration synthesis where a water molecule is removed and the 2 monosaccharides are bonded together.

What are polysaccharides?

large molecules composed of individual monosaccharide units.

what is a common plant of a polysaccharide and what is made up of?

starch and it is made up of many glucose molecules bonded together.

What are the two forms of starch?

Amylose and amylopectin

What is a amylose and what is a amylopectin?

A amylose is 1000 or more glucose units molecules joined by the firs t C of one glucose bonded to the fourth C of another glucose. It is unbranched and a amylopectin is 1000-6000 glucose subunits with short branching chains. It is a branched molecule.

What does the benedict reagant identify?

it identifies all monosaccharides and only some disaccharides. It measure the approximate % of sugar. If it turns blue there are no monosaccharides and if turns into a variety of colours monosaccharides are present. The colour determines the % of sugar present.

What does the iodine solution identify?

It identifies starch. If it turns blue/black in the presence of starch. If starch is not present , it is yellow.

What is glycogen?

Animal storage form of carbohydrates . it is a type of polysaccharide with a lot of branching. it is an animal storage that accumulates in the vertebrate liver,it structure resembles amylopectin starch molecule, contains 16-24 glucose units and it is formed when excess sugar is stored in the muscles and liver during rest and the sugar levels drop glycogen and converts it back to individual glucose units during exercise.

What is cellulose?

plant cell walls that are made up of this polysaccharide, composed of many glucose units, the hydrogen bonding of the OH group hold the molecule together