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11 Cards in this Set

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Risk factors

Marital status... Divorce and widowed are at a higher risk especially men. Especially within the first year after the change.

Gender... Women more than men attempt suicide but men are more successful. Women are more likely to accept help and they use less lethal forms such as overdose.

Age... 45 to 64 years old + 85 and older. Adolescence are still at risk females use suffocation males firearms. Feelings of hopelessness and hostility increases their risk

Risk factors continued

White males over the age of 80 are at the greatest risk

Religion... People with religion have fewer suicide attempts than those who are not

Social class...Very wealthy or very poor have higher suicide rates then middle class. Lawyers, officers, Dennis, physicians, artists, and insurance agents are at highest risk as well as unemployed especially during recessions.

Risk factors continued

Other risk factors... 90% of people who commit suicide have a diagnosable mental disorder most commonly a mood disorder or a substance abuse disorder. People have been hospitalized for psychiatric illness have five to ten times risk. Suicide risk is increased in early treatment of antidepressants this is due to the patient's energy level returning where she may have the ability to act out their wishes. Even though it is known with depression schizophrenia, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse are also increased risk. Severe insomnia is also increase risk. withdraw from stimulants also increases risk due to crash. Psychosis increases voice is in the head.

Risk factors continued

A same-gender parent who recently attempted suicide an individuals have made previous attempts are at high risk. About half of individuals who have killed themselves have tried previously. Loss of a loved one through death, separation, in light of employment also increase the risk. Bowling also increases the risk

Predisposing factors theories of suicide

Freuid thought that suicide occurred as a result of an earlier repressed desire to kill someone else

Hopelessness and other symptoms of depression has long been identified as a symptom.

History of aggression and violence or impulsive acts have an increased risk for suicide

Shame and humiliation may cause somebody to commit suicide especially after following a social defeat such as a sudden loss of status or income

Sociological theories

Dirk Hines theory believes that the individual who felt like they were part of society were less likely to carry out suicide...

Egotistic suicide is where the patient does not feel a part of any cohesive group and feel separate from society

Altruistic suicide is the opposite of egotistic it is governed by cultural, religious, or political ties in allegiance is so strong that an individual sacrifice his life for the group

Anomic suicide is in response to changes in an individual's life such as divorce or loss of job that describes feelings of relatedness to the group

Sociological theories continued interpersonal theory of suicide

Thomas joiners theory is similar to durkheim's but introduces the concept that suicide ideation and suicide attempts need to be understood as distinct processes. He believes that little connectedness and a high sense of burden interact with each other to increase suicide thoughts and desires

Predisposed factors continued biological theories

A deficiency of serotonin are associated with suicide

Nursing process with a suicidal client assessment

It is crucial for a nurse to identify and distinguish ideas which are thoughts plans which are intentions and attempts which are behaviors

Demographics, presenting symptoms and medical psychiatric diagnosis, suicidal ideas or acts, interpersonal support system, analysis of suicidal crisis, in family history, and coping strategies should be assessed,

Demographics that increase risk

Age.. adolescents and elderly are high-risk groups but the highest risk is 45 to 64 years older

Gender... Males are at a higher risk for suicide than females but females attempted more frequently

Ethnicity.... Caucasians is the highest followed by American Indians

Marital status....single, divorced, and widowed individuals are at a higher risk for suicide especially early on

Demographics continued

Socioeconomic status... Individual or super rich or super poor are at higher risk

Occupation...healthcare professionals especially doctors, law enforcement officers, Dentist, artist, mechanics, lawyers, and insurance agents are high-risk

Religion... People with close religious beliefs are at lower risk

Family history... Increases risk

Military history... Is higher than general population