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93 Cards in this Set

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Why did Italy lead the Renaissance?

1. Italians thought of themselves as Romans and as links with the ancient Roman Empire.

2. Their cities controlled the Mediterranean trade routes

3. Their cities used their wealth to commission artists

3 artists that exemplify the best of the High Renaissance

Raphael, Leonardo and Michelangelo

Renaissance music was

more secular than sacred in nature

most famous Renaissance patrons were members of

Medici Family


painted pagan themes, heard Savonarlo's preaching and after his conversion his works became more religious

Italian city that became the leading cultural city


birthplace of the Renaissance


best known composer of Renaissance church music


In the 14th century, Florentine writers' stirred a rebirth of

learning in Europe

Brunelleschi defeated Ghiberti in a competition to build the

dome of the cathedral of Florence


paintings on wet plaster

The movable type printing press brought...

reduced the cost of books, eliminated errors caused by hand printing and rapidly spread ideas and increased education

What distortions were found in the statue called the Pieta

Christ's body was not disfigured, Mary was too young and Mary is larger than life

most popular instrument of the Renaissance


musician whose music helped make the transition from medieval to modern music


The secular age prepared the way for the


Elizabeth I

"Good Queen Bess"

Machiavelli wrote

"it is much safer to be feared than loved"

pope during the Reformation

Leo X



In what location can you find the a fresco depicting the story of creation, man's fall, the Flood, and the Redemption

Sistine Chapel


certificates that supposedly granted pardon from the punishment of sins

Morning Star of the Reformation

John Wycliffe


focus on man's worth and capacities


Dominican friar who tried to reform the church in Florence

The Index of 1559 was a list of

prohibited books

Mary Stuart

Roman Catholic Queen of Scotland

Edward VI

sponsored the Book of Common Prayer and the 42 Articles

Council of Trent

met to discuss doctrinal questions and to propose reforms in the Catholic Church

Charles V

created the Diet of Worms

Elizabeth I

sponsored the 39 Articles and refused to marry Philip II

William the Silent

Dutch Protestant leader

Francis I

concerned about the encirclement of France by Hapsburg lands

Philip II

ruled Spain, the Netherlands and the New World

Henry VIII

appointed Thomas Cranmer archbishop of Cantebury

Mary I

executed Cranmer, along 300 others

Catherine de Medici

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

John Calvin

The Institutes of the Christian Religion

Sir Francis Drake

commanded ships that defeated the Armada

Johann Eck

debated Luther at Leipzig

John Huss

condemned and burned at Constance

John Knox

Presbyterian Church in Scotland


Society of Jesus

Martin Luther

"Here I stand. I can do no other."


Augsburg Confession

John Wycliffe


Ulrich Zwingli

Zurich Reformer

Map Labels

Scotland, Wittenberg, Geneva, Edinburgh, England, Paris, Worms, France, Rome, Spain


genre painter of scenes from everyday life


book of manners


satire on chivalry


artist who was best known for his engravings and woodcuts


Greek New Testament


movable type printing press


painted portraits of henry VIII, More and Erasmus


described an ideal state; adviser to Henry VIII


Father of Humanism

Van Eyck

one of the first painters to use oils


added movement to paintings by use of bold lines


first freestanding sculpture


22 bronze panels "Gates of Paradise"


Father of Renaissance Painting


technical and scientific designs in a notebook


3 dimensional effect by shading


Sistine Chapel wall painting The Last Judgement


Sweet faced Madonnas


"little dyer"


leading Venetian painter known for portraits and rich colors

The country in which the Reformation began in


The purpose of the Jesuit order was to

suppress heresy and promote Catholic education

Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Catholic Church because he wanted to

divorce Catherine of Aragon

The Act of Supremacy

made the king the supreme head, completed the break between the church and England and placed the English church under control of the state

Luther discovered through scripture

salvation is by faith

The Elizabethan Settlement established the

Anglican Church

sold indulgences


Protestants who wanted to cleanse the Anglican Church were


saints "excess works" were known as

the treasury of saints

opposed infant baptism


major emphasis of Calvinism

the sovereignty of God

Why did Leo X act upon Luther's protest

Indulgence sales dropped off sharply

Augsburg Confession

doctrinal standard for the Lutheran Church

Thomas Cranmer's book

Book of Common Prayer

Counter Reformation

Catholic Church

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

massacre of 20,000 Huguenots

Why did Philip II not get control of England

Mary died childless


removed themselves from the English church

T/F Martin Luther considered himself a good Catholic and not a heretic (p. 282)

T/F The Renaissance's emphasis on the secular helped weaken the moral restraints, making the need for reform more readily apparent. (274)

T/F The Renaissance people praised the wonders of group achievement (p. 255)

T/F Christians in Geneva were ordered not to dance, drink, or gamble were required to attend church (p. 289)

T/F The Renaissance humanists stimulated a rebirth of interest in the literature, art, and philosophy of the classical age (p. 257)

T/F Although Elizabeth I married a prominent English politician, her love for the English throne was greater (p. 291)

T/F The Jesuits believed that it was perfectly proper to do wrong in order to accomplish good (p. 299)

T/F The Anglican Church embraced Protestant doctrines and abolished all established rituals of the Catholic Church (p. 292)

T/F Although Henry VI of France was Protestant, he converted to Roman Catholicism to please the masses. (p. 297)

T/F Renaissance artists differed from medieval artists in that Renaissance artists wanted no recognition for their work (p. 264)

T/F Although many Renaissance humanists were primarily interested in classical learning, most of them were church member sand acknowledged the existence of God. (p. 255)

T/F The Venetian love of money, rich clothing, and decorations is manifested in the Venetian artist's emphasis on merchants, city officials, and beautiful women (p. 268)

T/F Machiavelli's works, particularly The Prince, promoted the concept of the secular state in which the government is freed from normal restraints and religious principles (p. 260)

T/F Erasmus's Praise of Folly points out the evils and the follies of the Renaissance (p. 260 )