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19 Cards in this Set

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Make friends

Get familiar with new person.

Casual acquaintances

People who you know and basic level but with whom you didn't have significant relationship.

Good friends or close friends

She's collections refer to friend with whom you have especially strong relationship.

Love at the first sight

That's when two people meet each other and immediately fall in love

Fall in love

When you fall in love your suddenly powerfully attracted to someone

Strong chemistry

These expression describe is trying capability or connection beautiful to possible romantic partners

Significant other

Date boyfriend girlfriend husband or wife

Soul mate

This is a poetic expression that means that two people are destined to be together.

Have a filling for

This expression is an indirect way to describe romantic filling

Feeling is not mutual

But if other person doesn't feel the same way then the feeling is not mutual

He's our she's just not my type

Meaning that they are interested in people of a different type of personality or appearance.

Unrequited love

Love that is not returned

Childhood sweetheart or high School or college sweetheart

This expression refer to a boyfriend or girlfriend from your childhood teenage or college years.

Mutual friends

One friend that the two people have in common.

Make a commitment

A promise our firm decision to do something

Proposed to the woman

He asks her to marry him

Happily married

If the marriage is good then we say the couple is happily married

Has an affair

Sometimes the husband or wife hasn't affair they have a sex with a different person.

Cheating on their husband or wife

we can also say that they are cheating on their husband or wife the expression have an affair is typically used only for married couple and expression cheating on can be used for married couple or for boyfriends or girlfriends.