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18 Cards in this Set

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Aroma, scent, and fragrance

All describe a good smell.you can talk about the wonderful aroma of a cake that has just been taken out of the own the fresh sense of flowers and the sweet fragrance of a woman perfume.

All describe a good smell.you can talk about the wonderful aroma of a cake that has just been taken out of the own the fresh sense of flowers and the sweet fragrance of a woman perfume.

Smell is neutral

the water smell is neutral you can have the lovely smell of a fresh baked bread or the horrible smell of rooting food the word smell can be a noun or a verb so you can also say it a smells delicious or it a smells nasty.

the water smell is neutral you can have the lovely smell of a fresh baked bread or the horrible smell of rooting food the word smell can be a noun or a verb so you can also say it a smells delicious or it a smells nasty.

Stench, stink , and odor

the words stink stink and all all describe better smells there is a full other of the dead animal and rolling stitch of suede the unpleasant smell of a person who doesn't take shower or use deodorant is called buddy odor.

the words stink stink and all all describe better smells there is a full other of the dead animal and rolling stitch of suede the unpleasant smell of a person who doesn't take shower or use deodorant is called buddy odor.

Foul odor

Dead animal

Dead animal

Revolting stench of swage


Body odor

The unpleasant smell of a person who doesn't take showers are used those around is called body odor.

The unpleasant smell of a person who doesn't take showers are used those around is called body odor.

Light / faint smells

To describe the strength of a smell you can say they are light faint smells or strong smells.

To describe the strength of a smell you can say they are light faint smells or strong smells.

Overpowering smell

When is smell is extremely strong you can say it is an overpowering smell.

When is smell is extremely strong you can say it is an overpowering smell.

Familiar smell

A smell that you recognise can be called a familiar smell.

A smell that you recognise can be called a familiar smell.

Distinctive smell /unmistakable smell

A small that is unique and easy to identify can be called a distinctive or  unmistakable smell.

A small that is unique and easy to identify can be called a distinctive or unmistakable smell.


A smells Kenworth that means float through the air for example the mount watering scent of chocolate chip cookie last across the room.

A smells Kenworth that means float through the air for example the mount watering scent of chocolate chip cookie last across the room.


Another verb used with a smell is fill the acrid smell of smoke filled the hallway.

Another verb used with a smell is fill the acrid smell of smoke filled the hallway.


finally if a smell a stay in a place for a long time we can use the word linger the spicy aroma of her cooking lingered in the kitchen for hours.

finally if a smell a stay in a place for a long time we can use the word linger the spicy aroma of her cooking lingered in the kitchen for hours.

Earthy / fishy / fruity / metallic smell

Smells like soil/dirt,fish, fruit, or metal

Smells like soil/dirt,fish, fruit, or metal

Rancid / putrid smell

A disgusting a smell of things that are rotten.

A disgusting a smell of things that are rotten.

Damp/dank smell

A smell of wet things and mold

A smell of wet things and mold

A preserve smell

Small that tends to fill the space and remain there

Small that tends to fill the space and remain there

A pungent smell

A smell that is Sharp and strike it almost hurts your nose when you smell it.

A smell that is Sharp and strike it almost hurts your nose when you smell it.