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23 Cards in this Set

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Light or dark color



Light brown or dark brown




If if a colour is very intense

If if a colour is very intense


If the colour is not very intense

If the colour is not very intense

Shades of colour

Variation of the specific colour
these words are usually typical object with the particle or colour for example the sky blue is a light shade of blue like the colour of the sky

Variation of the specific colour

these words are usually typical object with the particle or colour for example the sky blue is a light shade of blue like the colour of the sky

Ruby red



Cherry red



Fiery orange



Burnt orange



Lemon yellow



Golden yellow



Emerald green



Olive green



Sky blue



Royal blue



Navy blue / midnight blue




when you have something that is primarily one colour but with a little bit of another colour included we can use the word think there are two ways to structure to sentence:
The flowers are yellow with a tinge of Pink in the middle
My cat's fur is ...

when you have something that is primarily one colour but with a little bit of another colour included we can use the word think there are two ways to structure to sentence:

The flowers are yellow with a tinge of Pink in the middle

My cat's fur is lice grey with the slides burnish theme

A colour + -ish

You can't use this form a colour word plus it to describe mixes of colours. For example reddish-brown is a shade of brown videos trying protien of red, whereas yellowish Brown is a shade of brown with a strong protien of yellow.

You can't use this form a colour word plus it to describe mixes of colours. For example reddish-brown is a shade of brown videos trying protien of red, whereas yellowish Brown is a shade of brown with a strong protien of yellow.

The colours match

Some colours look good together in this case we can say that's the colours match.

Some colours look good together in this case we can say that's the colours match.

The colours clash

Other colours look very well together in this case we can say that the colour clash.

Other colours look very well together in this case we can say that the colour clash.

That colour sweets you / colour looks good on you.

When the colour of a person's clothes looks good with that person a skin tone (colour of their skin) you can say that colour sweets you or that colour looks good on you.

When the colour of a person's clothes looks good with that person a skin tone (colour of their skin) you can say that colour sweets you or that colour looks good on you.


We use the verb paint in mosque cases you paint a house and paint your nail.

We use the verb paint in mosque cases you paint a house and paint your nail.


But we use that word I for her and clothes / fabric so you dye your hair blonde and dye a shirt blue.

But we use that word I for her and clothes / fabric so you dye your hair blonde and dye a shirt blue.