Zoos Should Be Banned Essay

Decent Essays
Zoos Should be Banned Worldwide
Zoos are a worldwide attraction for most people. When people visit the zoo they do not think about the animals, they think about having a nice day with family. They should be thinking about how the animals feel. What if you were ripped from your home and family and thrown you in jail to be entertainment for someone else? That’s probably the last thing a person would want. Zoos should be banned worldwide because the animals are living in an unnatural habitat, the zoos kill or sell surplus animals, and zoos are not educational.
Zoos force animals to live in unnatural habitats. First, many animals are living in unnatural climates, for example, a flamingo living in a cold climate or polar bears living in a warm
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Many people believe zoos are educational because children can learn about the animals. But, when a person goes to the zoo are they really trying to learn about the animals or just observe them for a short period of time? Even if a family were going to the zoo for an educational purpose they would not learn about the way the animals truly is, instead they would learn about how that animal is in captivity. When you visit a zoo, you see a polar bear laying on the concrete trying to cool down instead of hunting for seals. People would learn a lot more if they watched a documentary based around animals in the wild. The main thing zoos teach people is that it is okay to keep wild animals in captivity. If the zoos were really trying to be educational tools, they would explain about how these animals are bored, cramped, and very far from home. Instead of zoos being educational, they are more a matter of entertainment. A lot of elementary schools take the kids to zoos for field trips, but how much are the kids learning from these zoos? In a study done by “One Green Planet”, they surveyed 2800 children after a guided and unguided visit to the London zoo, sixty two percent of the children showed no indication of learning anything new and some kids even demonstrated a negative learning outcome from the experience. (Montgomery) This could be the case of the children not caring about the visit to zoo, but the percentage of kids that showed they did not learn anything from a guided and unguided visit is staggering. This also shows that even though the zoos provide guided tours to try to educate the visitors, even that does not educate much. Ultimately, zoos are not educational for most even though they are perceived to be very

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