I hope to become effective in writing and also challenge myself academically. With all the resources available, I'm determined to strengthen my…
Exercising My Writing Skills Writing is evolving by the day in the English language, in other words communication is evolving on the daily since writing is our main source of communication. Learning how to write the English language in an academic setting has been one of my greatest accomplishments as a scholar, despite the fact that, I am still learning new skills daily on how to improve my writing. Even though, I am not the best the writer, I have gained enough strength in my writing to separate me from the average writer. In other words, the best way to improve on something is by practicing, and that is a lesson writing papers has taught me. One of my greatest skills as a writer in my opinion is being able to expand on a topic.…
As a writer one of the strengths I find, is the ability to know how to word things. Although, sometimes my work doesn’t always sound good, it does when I take the time and apply myself. A challenge I face in writing includes, introductions, and conclusions, also being able to write a lot about something. I did however, learn how to properly write an intro and conclusion in this course.…
How my Writing Has Improved? In this semester I have accomplished a great improvement in my writing. Now that my English 090 class is coming to the end, I can see so far how I become a better writer. In fact, I always struggle with my writing.…
This semester I have learned a great deal from Professor Beach, especially in regards to argumentative essays. He has taught how to get the proper evidence, facts, and to stay on point and remain focused. But most importantly he has taught me that argumentative essays must have a valid argument. Before I took Professor Beach’s course, when I saw commercials, advertisements, or the news, I would believe them without doing the proper research. Beach has taught me to see whether or not people are actually telling the truth or using fallacies.…
What are your writing strengths and weaknesses? To be quite honest, I'm not too sure about my writing strengths, but I am aware of many weaknesses. Writing tends to stress me out a bit and I don't know why. It probably stems from some traumatic incident in my childhood.…
Jamie – 582 WORDS Composition has changed my thinking in more ways than one. Writing is no longer a burden, but an opportunity to expand my thinking. Although I am not great at writing and I have more to learn, I now enjoy exploring ideas and putting pen to paper. I have been challenged almost to the brink of insanity and pushed to the edge but I have grown not only in my studies, but as a writer. My writing process in the beginning of this course was total chaos.…
Throughout my high school career I have worked on many essays. I have, over the past four years, improved in a variety of ways. I have not only improved in my English writings, but also in my social studies, science and art writings. Also, I have become more efficient in my grammatical and my structural skills as well. Throughout high school I have improved my writing through class warmups to standardized tests.…
My major weakness is that I am a poor editor. I am very redundant and wordy, which was why I turned a simple introduction into two drawn-out paragraphs. Throughout the entire paper, I act as though the reader has forgotten everything in the last paragraph, so I summarize make sure to define glasnost and perestroika over and over again. When it comes to writing essays, I always end up with writing too much, but saying too little and sometimes not getting the point…
Upon my entry into English 1010-02, my first college writing class, I expected to breeze through the course with an easy-A and minimal effort after my successful completion of AP English 11 this past year. I began the year with the utmost confidence in my writing abilities, and believed that my skills were above par. It wasn’t until I received my score on the essay evaluation for my First-Week Essay- a measly five out of twenty- that I realized that this was not the case. At first, I was astonished that my seemingly exceptional writing skills had not earned me the A that I believed I deserved. However, as time went on I came to the realization that I had not put in nearly enough time or effort into the paper to receive more than a C at most.…
My experiences with academic writing are with taking classes which require essays such as persuasive essays and expository essays in classes such as: Understanding Art, Communication, Humanities and even Rhet 1302. For example in Humanities we would watch films such as “Blade Runner” and explain the certain aspect in the movie such as the aspect of concealment and the truth. So I would correlate that with my thesis which was in the film “Blade Runner”, attempting to conceal your identity as a replicant only leads to the truth about your identity being revealed. I believe that my strengths are as a writer is being able to provide sound details from the source and transforming those details to fit my thesis. My weaknesses in writing are mostly…
I believe the strength of this essay would be that it comes from the heart. Everything I wrote in this essay is a direct reflection of what I believe in. However, the weaknesses of this essay would my skill level. I have been out…
Over the course of English 102, I have developed a new set of skills and learned to become a better writer. When I first came into English 102 I struggled with many different concepts of writing. During the semester in English 102, my writing became stronger because I learned how to incorporate evidence into my argument, do more thorough research, have smoother transitions, and have more organization throughout my essay. I learned how to peer review better and to take what others say and incorporate it into my essay. In the beginning, before English 102, I struggled with good organization and flow to an essay, sandwich evidence into paragraphs, and having strong arguments in persuasive essays.…
Upon my decision to undergo this course I was under the impression my writing ability and understanding of language was pretty solid. I have completed school and many other certificates and diplomas at a level of compatible literacy skills. In my current profession as a Personal Trainer I am direct and have strong style of communication verbally and thought this would relay into my writing. However, after completing task one and submitting my writing to the various websites I found it surprising.…
During high school, I have learned and improve my writing each year. I was able to apply everything I learn in my writing, in each assignment I was able to notice a growth not only in my writing but also the way I elaborate my ideas. Throughout high school I was able to write different types of assignments that show my improvement and progress in my writing. When I started high school, I did not have a lot of knowledge about how to improve my writing. One of the writing assignments I had to make during freshman year was a creative essay.…