I interviewed Andrea Hahn, an RN who specialized in Obstetrics for almost twenty years. She described the two main types of written documents in nursing, patient charts and prescriptions, in greater detail. Hahn explained what the patient charts consist of and how much …show more content…
However, it is equally important to all the other aspects of the job. From jotting down observations of patients to create a patient chart to signing and calling in prescriptions, a nurse does it all. All the writing is simple and to the point so that all the important details can be explained and understood. These simple and easy to understand words are what help save lives. I have found my discoveries in writing in the nursing field to be very helpful. During the interview, I conducted Andrea Hahn quoted, “Writing and nursing don’t really flow together, but it saves lives so we do it” (Hahn). Hahn is right. Writing and curing diseases do not flow together at all, however when combining these two aspects, miracles