What do I do?
If you get a mean message, the best option is to just ignore it! No use getting upset over something someone says. Everyone has their own opinions. If this person repeatedly sends messages, you should simply block their number or their page.
If people are publically posting pictures or statuses or tweets about you, you should screenshot them and save them for evidence before you tell an adult or someone you trust. That way, even if they delete them you still have the evidence.
Remember, never try to retaliate, because you could end up being charged with cyberbullying even if they started it! Sources:
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Kenneth Weishuhn, a gay high school freshman from Paullina, Iowa,took his own life after being bullied by classmates at school and online, and with death threats by phone.
John and Kelly Halligan lost their thirteen year old son, Ryan, to suicide on October 7, 2003. At the time of his death, Ryan was a student at a middle school in Essex Junction, Vermont. After Ryan’s death, it was revealed that he was ridiculed and humiliated by peers at school and on-line.
Jessica (Jesse) Logan, was a petite, blond-haired, blue-eyed Ohio high school senior who committed suicide after sexting a nude photo of herself to her boyfriend. When they broke up, he sent the photo to everyone else at her school. Jesse was cruelly harassed for months by the other girls at her school, who called her a slut and a whore.
Cyberbullying can lead to tragic consequences. Think twice before you type. Cyberbullying is the repeated harassment of one or a few people with the use of technology. This could be posting a picture with a mean caption, or sending rude messages every day. 34 states have laws against cyberbullying, including Pennsylvania. You can be fined or even imprisoned in these states. The bottom line is don’t do it! If you or a person you know is being cyberbullied, tell a trusted adult or teacher who will be able to put a stop to