Why Schools Should Start Later Essay

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We have all had one of those days. At 6:30 sharp, your alarm rings incessantly for you to drag yourself out of bed, get your clothes on, and get out bright and early for the bus to go to school. Then, you must find the willpower to stay awake in your morning classes, tests and homework included, until the lunch bell rings. This all happens because of the common school start time of around 7:50, but for some reason many schools, especially middle and high schools, are thinking of bringing this time to 7:15, leaving even less and less time for students to get ready. There may be some reasons why schools may want this, but the negative effects of this decision are undeniable. Schools should not start earlier, but later, because of the scientific effects of aging on sleep, the many effects of sleep deprivation, and the effect of sleep on schoolwork. To start off my reasons, the age of students affects how much sleep they get on a normal basis. From the …show more content…
In an experiment by Randy Gardner in which he sees how long he can stay awake (Hudson, 11), he found some surprising effects. On day four of eleven, he began imagining that he really was the San Diego Chargers running back, and one point he even thought a street sign was a person. Additionally, he was moody, paranoid, and forgetful, all things you would not want to be during school hours, or at any time whatsoever. Although nobody is going to be awake for multiple days on a regular basis, To cap it off, not getting enough sleep can change the quality of your schoolwork for the worse. From “Should School Start Later?”,”studies show that well-rested teens get better grades, have higher standardized test scores, and miss fewer days of school”. This shows that for teens, getting more sleep is more than just how you feel in first period, and when doing major assessments, could affect your college and effectively your whole

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