It’s a proven fact that college grads are more secure. Grads are ½ as likely to be unemployed.(5 ways)
It’s a proven fact that college grads are more secure. Grads are ½ as likely to be unemployed.(5 ways)
College is worth the cost. College is worth the cost because it you can have a healthy lifestyle. Reserchers say a college graduate is more likely to exsercise regularly. And reduce their chances of getting sick or getting a disease. This you might want to consiter because you dont want to catch the flu or cold.…
The chance of an individual getting a great job with a pay raise that is more than minimum wage definitely makes college worth it. Even if you do not want to go to a big college or university where it cost a lot of money to attend you have the option of going to a community college. The responsibilities college teaches individuals will pay off in the end when a person enters the real world. The opportunity and the experience that a person gets out of going off to college is more than rewarding. There are many different options that students have if they do plan to get a college education but feel as…
Is college worth it? Many High school students ask themselves this question. College is worth it because.many people who don’t go to college struggle and are most likely to be unemployed. Although some might argue that college isn’t worth it, but if you want a good paying job then college is worth it because a college education will provide a higher income.…
College is worth the cost because it increases a person’s chances for employment. Many Times, a college degree can be important for obtaining a proper job. Not only is a person with a college degree more likely to get a job they like, but they are also more likely to get any job at all. Unemployment rates are higher for people without a college degree. According to the Article “College Graduates Fare Well in Jobs Market, Even Through Recession”, ”In 2011, the unemployment rate for people in their 20s with at least a bachelor’s degree was 5.7 percent.…
One of the most controversial topics about college is, whether it is worth the cost. Although some college graduates face unemployment despite their degree as well as the high amount of college debt, many others believe that college is a great investment. College is a major milestone in the future of a student's career. With a college degree, most people attain higher chances of employment; this is shown to have big benefits in many fields.…
Therefore, college is the worth the costs in most cases. College at its core promises more money in your future occupation. Yes, you spend on average four years of your life getting a degree; however, the statistics say, allows you to earn over 83% more than the non college graduate (David). The fact is, if you don’t want to make more money getting a higher paying job, then don’t go to college. Some might say that the college graduate would have more debt than the non college graduate; which is a very valid point.…
Almost all academics say that college is worth it, but statistics disagree. Many graduates have crippling student loans, and many are not actually employed in jobs that need a college degree. Although it does provide good experiences, it can leave students with debilitating levels of stress. It does provide a higher education, but it really is not worth it with the threat of debt always looming over your head. College does provide a higher level of education, but the high price of tuition leaves many students with loans that follow them long into their adult lives.…
College provides you with the opportunity to form new relationships, acquire new skills, and grow into and adult. If you have earned the opportunity to attend college it is definitely worth it, the rewards that you gain from graduating college outweigh the debts. College is worth it when you take it seriously, and approach…
College Is Not Worth It College might be worth it for some but not for all. Going to college is a hard decision you have to make. It leads to you to being more independent and making your own decisions. Choosing to go or not to college affects your future and what type of lifestyle you want for yourself.…
A) The only way the Hispanic community will be able to live decent lives and be adequately represented in government is if we are in positions of power. On December 18th of 2010, the 36 republican and 5 democratic senators did not have my dreams in mind. They did not understand that I don 't have a single memory of the place where I was born. In truth they will never fully know what it 's like to grow up in a country that empowers your dreams, overtakes you with its culture, just to shut you out upon the request of documents that you do not understand why you can 't provide. A college degree will inevitably increase my standard of life but it will stand for so much more. .…
Essentially people have to have a college degree to be able to live comfortably. College also gives you a more individualized focus on what you career path is. College may have many negatives, but the positives outweigh them.…
Growing up with two parents that are extremely successful yet have no college education is remarkably intimidating. When I was young, I would witness my parents effortlessly put food on the table while also providing so much more for our family without an ounce of college education. To hear the laughter and joy in our family made me think as a child that growing up would be a breeze, I sure was in for a rude awakening. It 's not like it once was back in their day of not needing a higher education in order to achieve a well-rounded career, so in order to follow in their footsteps of having a substantial career, I am going to need to a college education. My purpose for pursuing a college education is to begin a career that will allow me to help others while also satisfying my parents expectations.…
Attending college and the value thereof has dramatically changed along with the market for jobs during the past several decades. And as a consequence of a shrinking base of professions requiring appropriate higher education, the United States has experienced high unemployment accompanying some of those transformations. Although such ominous trends can spell gloom and doom for many, it doesn’t necessarily imply a college education an unwise choice. It does, unequivocally, advocate for cautious decisions throughout one’s academic tenure as never before though. Bear in mind, attending college in a full-time capacity or with the goal of completing a baccalaureate degree nonetheless defers a career search for the moment.…
It is argued whether getting a higher education provides a person more economic opportunity or not. Evidently as the years go on, employers are looking for people who have some type of college degree. Many claim not all students are fit to pursue a college degree and still can become successful without one. They may even say that some college graduates are either unemployed or underemployed while in debt. Although this is true, obtaining a higher education does allow a person to have better employment opportunities in comparison to those who do not.…
I may not know who I am, or what I will become, however, I am absolutely positive about my potential and I will stop at nothing to achieve success. I have proven my persistence before and I fully intend to do it again. Only this time, on a bigger scale. Years ago I had a vision, soon after, with hard work and dedication, all my dreams were made my reality. Now I have something new in my sights.…