No longer having your parents telling you what to do, how to do it, or when. You have a chance to gain control over your own life. It is your responsibility to make it to classes and pass them, you may do it out of fear of your parents, but no more being told what to do. You manage yourself, you control what you spend money on. Once you run out of money, you quickly learn how to manage your own money. Decisions start being made on what to purchase. There is nobody there to tell you when to go to bed, when to wake up, how to spend your money and time. This is the time you can develop into and adult. The obvious reason for attending college, to obtain a job. The job is the end goal, if that is not your goal, you probably shouldn’t be attending college. Colleges provide the knowledge to achieve the career that you seek. This is what you will use to pay for your debt for attending college and provide for yourself for years to come. Many colleges provide internships and on hands training. The internships and on hand training provides student with the opportunity to gain valuable skills. Colleges provide the necessary training that is sought by …show more content…
Not every student is has money that is ready to be spent. Some students are simply not mature enough for college yet and cannot afford to waste money on failed years. According to Peter McPherson, the funding for public schools, state appropriations have decreased by 32% in just the last decade. Since there is less funding from the state, money comes from the students. With more money coming from student’s pockets it will only become more strenuous on the students. If a students does not have funds that make affording college reasonable a different path should be considered. Instead of going straight from high school to college, a student should consider possibly waiting a year. In one year the student can earn money to make college more affordable, and mature so that they do not waste a year due to immature