Explain Why College Is Not Worth It Essay

Improved Essays
College Is Not Worth It

College might be worth it for some but not for all. Going to college is a hard decision you have to make. It leads to you to being more independent and making your own decisions. Choosing to go or not to college affects your future and what type of lifestyle you want for yourself. You also have to think how this is going to affect you in the long term. College might not be for everybody but you don't have to go to college to be successful because there also many jobs out there that have a well paying salary that don’t need a college degree, also you have to start thinking if going to college is worth getting into debt.

Is college worth it? Well many people have different perspectives on this. A lot say that college is worth it and going to college is key to having all the things you want
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Everyone talks about how college is important and on how you're going to make a lot of money. College is not necessary the key to making money. After college is when you start to realize if going to was the right choice. Education in college is expensive. After college is when you start coming into reality with loans. In the book "Is college worth it?, The Borrowing Binge",talks about how "Many of today's college graduates are suffering under mountains of debt, with slim chances of gaining suitable employment to pay back their debt on a timely manner." As you can see going to college is a hassle because it's not free. Going to college causes you to get into debt. This can be a problem, if you can not find a job to pay off your loans. Education can be expensive. As it is sate in the book "Is college worth it? Introduction", "Too much of higher education is wildly expensive." Why waste so much money? There are jobs that don't need a degree and you can still have a decent lifestyle. Plus you can save money instead of struggling playing off debt, and some debt can take up to a lifetime to pay it

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