If one does research on a major that is in demand, one will increase his or her odds of secure a well-paying job. One should also select a college with a good reputation in the field one decides to study. Certain college majors are more valuable than others. College majors in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics will have a better return on investment than majors like Art and Psychology. Certain schools are also better than others. Jeffery J. Selingo feels the same way in his article which is titled “Is a College Degree Still worth it?” In the article, Selingo states the importance of choosing the right major and university. Selingo also emphasizes that one should do research on the major he or she decides to pursue. He states in his article that starting salaries vary from college to college. Selingo makes the comparison between students who majored in business. The students who attended the University of Houston made $20,000 more than students who obtained their degree from the University of Texas at El Paso (Selingo). He also makes the comparison of psychology majors who attended the University of Houston and Texas A&M University at Central Texas. The students from Texas A&M made almost half of what the students from the University of Houston made. The students from the University of Houston made $36,000 for their first year salary …show more content…
Attending college is something everyone should consider. However, college is not for everyone. Some individuals should look into learning a trade such as become an electrician or a pipefitter. Attaining a college degree or learning a trade will give one opportunities to get a job with a decent salary which in turn will help one achieve financial stability. There are no guarantees in life. All one can do is try to be better prepared for the job market. As Selingo suggested one should view college as an investment. I have to agree with him. A college education will be one of the most expensive purchases of one’s life. However, the pros outweigh the cons. Every person should have some post-secondary training if they want financial stability in life. One should make sure there is demand for workers in their respective field of study. If one chooses to major in art, one will have amassed a mountain of debt and might not be able to find a job with a salary that will allow them to pay their rent and loans back. One should try to avoid taking on massive amounts of debt. In the previous paragraph, I illustrated the cost between a for-profit college and a state college. The for-profit college cost 370 percent more than the state college. Just imagine how long it would take to repay that loan. If you are a student getting ready to go to college, make an educated decision on what you are going to