Many of them are actually employed in jobs that require no college education at all. A stunning fifty percent of 2014 graduates were employed in jobs that didn’t require their four year degrees. These people are not only getting an insufficient pay to eventually pay off their college debts, they are also taking away jobs from the people who those jobs are the only option for. However, some of those people who haven’t graduated college are actually much more successful than many recent college …show more content…
Once you have a job, if you have a college degree, you are much more likely to keep it. However, an important part of keeping a job is having one in the first place. And recently, that has not been very good for recent graduates. Back in 2014, the overall unemployment rate was four point nine percent in America, but for 2013 and 2014 graduates, the unemployment rate was much higher, at eight and a half percent and the underemployment rate, saying that they don't have sufficient work, was even higher at sixteen point eight percent (Shierholz). Although the jobs may be more stable, it is more difficult for college graduates to get a job. For that reason, many are turning to jobs that don’t require their hard earned