Animals shouldn’t be harmed during testing.
Animals have feelings just like humans and they can also experience pain
Animals are forced to suffer during experiments
Most test animals are killed after an experiment.
Some experiments cause so much harm and suffering for animals so that killing would be more merciful for the animals than continuing the experiment.
In 2010, a research showed that 97,123 test animals were likely to experience pain and suffering and not be given any pain killers. (In the USA alone.)
B. Animal testing isn’t necessary for research
Animals are no longer needed for testing.
“Powerful computers allow us to predict the outcome of chemical interactions.”
Live tissue culture can be used to identify the reaction of living cells when they are exposed to different substances. Human skin leftover is more reliable than testing on animals because it is “an effective medium for experimentation” and it also from humans so it will be more accurate. C. There are laws that state how animals can be treated in a lot of countries. Animal testing and how some laboratories treat animals are prohibited in these many countries. The 1986 UK Animals Act protects test animals from “what would otherwise be a criminal offense”. There are several countries that have laws that protect the safety of animals that are used in experiments. D. Animal testing is very expensive. To be able to keep research animals and test on them costs a lot. Breading test animals is very costly. Housing and caring for the animals also costs lots of money. “The training and expert advice required to comply with [laws] is costly.” A. The Cruelty to Animals Act was passed by England’s Parliament. In 1876, the Cruelty to Animals Act was passed. “The law required all experimenters to have permits, and it established guidelines for the kinds of experiments and the way they were performed.” B. Laws were executed by organizations, such as the ASPCA, to protect animal rights. Late 1700s Abolitionists wanted to end the “mistreatment of animals.” The first laws protected animals. For example, they animal testing during experiments and dissecting animals for learning. 1970s People tried to prevent the creation of food, wool, leather, and fur from animals. People also protected against the creation of houses/buildings that destroyed habitats. A. Many test animals aren’t protected by the Animal Welfare Act. 1. Lots of animals are used in experiments Around 10 million to 100 million animals are used worldwide for experiments yearly. 2. Most of the animals, (10-100million in all per year) are not covered by the AWA. The AWA is the “main federal legislation governing animal use in research and entertainment.” The nonprofit animal advocacy group researched that animals such as birds and rodents aren’t protected by the AWA. B. Many researchers, (mainstream researchers) are following a concept, “the Three Rs”. 1. Reduction Limiting the use of animals. 2. Refinement Ending animal testing. 3. Replacement Replacing animal testing with new technology, …show more content…
Animals are forced to suffer in pain during experiments to test out medicine/products
“Rabbits being incapacitated in stocks with their eyelids held open by clips, sometimes for multiple days.” While testing eye irritation caused by shampoos and other products.
A study in 2016 by the USDA showed that during experiments, 71, 370 animals were suffering in pain while given no anesthesia.
Animal tested products are not always safe
Animals and humans are different so they react to drugs and medicine differently.
A great number of drugs that pass tests on animals aren’t safe for humans. About 94% of the products.
10,000 babies were born with severe deformities after thalidomide had been tested on animals during the 1950s sleeping pill thalidomide.
Why are the lives of tested animals wasted?
Most animal tests fail/have problems.
“The majority of animals used in biomedical research are killed during or after the experiments,” and “many suffer during the studies.”
Animals aren’t required for testing
There are alternative testing methods that can be used instead of animal testing.
Vitro testing, glass testing, has more relevant results because we can use human cells which will be more effective than testing on