This particular experimentation checks for eye irritation. It is performed by taking the rabbit’s eye and sewing it open while placing the substance in one eye and leaving the other as a control. This is observed after one hour in the beginning then at twenty-four hour intervals for fourteen days. During this time the rabbit experiences extreme fear and pain. Often the rabbit suffers from redness, bleeding, ulcers, and blindness. After the test is completed the animals are killed, cut open to see what resulted on the inside, and then thrown out. That is in no way
This particular experimentation checks for eye irritation. It is performed by taking the rabbit’s eye and sewing it open while placing the substance in one eye and leaving the other as a control. This is observed after one hour in the beginning then at twenty-four hour intervals for fourteen days. During this time the rabbit experiences extreme fear and pain. Often the rabbit suffers from redness, bleeding, ulcers, and blindness. After the test is completed the animals are killed, cut open to see what resulted on the inside, and then thrown out. That is in no way