Why Is Animal Testing Wrong

Improved Essays
Many examples in the history of medicine not performing the way it is planned is due to the barrier between animals and humans. In the 1950’s an epidemic had hit the United States after an animal tested product was being distributed in stores. These sleeping pills carried a drug that if not moderated can affect the lives of unborn babies. These tests were done on pregnant animals such as rats, guinea pigs, and even cats. With no effects occurring it was pushed to the human trials. Consequently, it was shown that around ten-thousand babies were born with birth defects. This is a clear indication that these tests cannot always be trusted. Another example of unsafety that happened was the drug Vioxx, a drug to help with arthritis an inflammation in the joints. After the animal testing phase twenty-seven thousand heart attacks and many deaths occurred caused by cardiac arrest were caused. These are just two of the many examples brought up when talking about animal …show more content…
Thus, avoiding the truth that animals can feel just as much pain as humans. Animals used in these experiments do not have the cognitive ability to state how they feel, and give verbal consent for the experiment. This causes the suffering of animals and can put their lives in extreme danger. Many on the opposite side of the fight, use the point it is better to use an animal than a human, but what if the roles were switched? This is where the test of morality is really touched upon. Later in her article, Jennifer Klein says, The harm of animals caused by cosmetic and other companies brings us to the adoption of other methods ending the live-animal test and changing the situation to the more safe and morally correct standing (Klein 2012). Therefore, we should be starting a change for the future and limiting animal testing. With less animal testing and more alternatives, the world can focus more on what is right, then what is

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