Why Is Animal Testing Necessary?

Improved Essays
In her research paper titled “Animal Testing and Medicine”, (Hajar 2011) explains that animals have been tested all the way through the history of biomedical research. Although in recent years the practice of animal testing for biomedical research is under severe condemnation by animal rights activists because they are fighting for it to be more humane. (Hajar 2011) As a result laws have been passed in several countries to make the practice more kind and humane. (Hajar 2011) Discussions on the morals of animal testing have been brought up since the seventeenth century. (Hajar 2011) People also believe that animals are way different than humans so the results won’t be as beneficial as it may be and the preparation for animal testing led to mass of poisoning causing the death of more than a hundred of people. (Hajar 2011) While it may be argued that experiments on animals are necessary to the development of biological, and medical …show more content…
Animals don’t receive any benefit from their participation, what they do receive is imprisonment constantly consisting of “Immobilization in stocks, Isolation from their peers, and exposure to corrosive and irritating chemicals. Ultimately they are killed” (Lewis 2004) Cosmetic products are not necessarily poisonous but some animals are forcefully fed some cosmetics in great quantities that eventually break or block internal organs. (Lewis 2004). Often time’s people ignore or forget the fact that there is animals being harmed behind the products therefor we are harming our animals and they are eventually dying. Harming our environment and planet because we are losing our animals solely for the reason of creating a product. Not animal testing doesn’t have a lot of harm on the company, it wouldn’t be hard for companies to all convert to cruelty free production but some governments require some type of animal testing to ensure

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