Why Shouldn T Students Go To College Essay

Improved Essays
After graduating from high school and getting a diploma many students often ask themselves what do I do now? However, some students do not need to ask this type of question because they already have jobs or plan to get one. But why don’t students go to college? According to Huffington Post, “12 percent of high school graduates have failed to enroll in a college.” Even if you feel like a 4-year college might not be right for you there are still other options such as a community or junior college. High school students generally do not strive for higher education due to certain circumstances made. Students often make poorly supported statements to prove why they believe college is not for them.
One of the biggest excuses not to go to college, high school graduates say is I can’t afford it. Your parents may not be able to afford to pay for tuition, room and board, or books but that is an
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Do not be that student who makes poor excuses but be the student that works hard and goes to college to achieve success. “Life is an open road - it 's the best story never told. It 's an endless sky - it 's the deepest sea.” I chose this quote because it represents how students can take the path to college given all the opportunities they are given. Some of those opportunities are students go to high school for free, they have financial aid which helps you pay for college, and community college is so generous in the form of remedial courses that you honestly do not even need to do that great in high school. When you are on an open you have many opportunities to do whatever you want there are no speed limits, no police, no cameras, just you heading to your

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