Who Was Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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In the play Romeo and Juliet, there are multiple events that lead to the deaths of the two main characters. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is about the young love and deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Capulet, romeo, and Tybalt are responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because the feud between the families caused conflict between the characters. Capulet is Juliet's father and is at war with the montagues. Him and his people started a brawl in the town fueling the feud between the families. (R and J act 1 Scene 1) My sword,I say old Montague Is lone and flourishes his blade in spite of me. This shows the conflict between the families and the intensity, if the Prince didn't show up there would have been bloodshed. …show more content…
As a main character it followed him ,at the start of the play he was a depressed, broken man because the woman he loved did not love him back. So convinced to win her back goes to see her and meets juliet.After just about a three hours of knowing her he decides that he loves her and wants to marry her. The day after they got married tybalt confronts him and mercutio is killed ( Rand J Act Scene ) ¨now tybalt, take the villain back again. That late thou gavest me: for mercutio's soul.¨ since Romeo killed mercutio in revenge he did what the law would have done the prince banishes him sense and creates problems for juliet, causing her to grieve. she becomes betrothed to paris in Romeo's absence. When the letter about friar's plan became of course and quarantined. Romeo thinks his beloved has died, stricken with grief her buys the strongest poison and goes to her grave. Where he finds paris,paris thinking he was here to desecrate her grave and responsible for her death draws on romeo. ( R and J act scene) ¨condemned villain, i do apprehend thee: obey ,and go with me; thou must die.¨ when paris drew on romeo it created unneeded conflict that could have been avoided if paris knew the true nature of romeo's visit. Most of the deaths could have been avoided if everyone in the play was

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