Essay Responsible For Romeo And Juliet

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People Responsible for the Deaths of Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare 's "Romeo and Juliet" concludes with two star-crossed lovers taking their own lives. Several characters play a role in the lead up to Romeo and Juliet 's death, but three certain characters are significant to the build up to this tragic climax. Tybalt 's aggressive nature initiates the problems that eventually lead to their deaths. Lord Capulet is incredibly harsh to Juliet when she refuses to go along with his plans. Friar Laurence is the one who encourages the hasty marriage and continues to be very secretive. Three characters in the play are largely responsible for Romeo and Juliet 's deaths: Tybalt, Lord Capulet, and Friar Laurence. To begin with, Tybalt …show more content…
The most crucial event that makes Tybalt responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet was Mercutio 's death. Tybalt, again, initiates a fight. Unfortunately, this fight ends with Tybalt stabbing and killing Romeo 's best friend, Mercutio. This pushes Romeo to react emotionally instead of logically. In the heat of the moment, he begins fighting Tybalt and kills him. This then leads to his banishment, Juliet 's sorrow, and eventually, their deaths. If Tybalt did not kill Mercutio, none of the chain of horrible events would have happened, and Romeo and Juliet would still have been alive. Even though Lord Capulet is Juliet 's father, he is also partially responsible for their deaths. First of all, he sets up the marriage between Juliet and Paris without consulting her first. He makes the decision on his own behind Juliet 's back believing that she will go along with it. Then, when Juliet refuses, he gets upset and yells at her. After Juliet expresses her feelings against the marriage, he gets extremely upset and says some really harsh things:
Graze where you will, you shall not house with me.
Look to 't, think on 't, I do not use to
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He is the one who weds the two and encourages the marriage. He goes along with whatever Romeo and Juliet want to do. He is also secretive and keeps to himself. He knew what was wrong, but didn 't do anything about it: "These violent delights have violent ends / And in their triumph die, like fire and powder" ( The Friar is a very wise man, but he decides to not help the two teenagers make good decisions. He says that their hasty marriage would end badly, but does not try to talk either one of them out of it. He keeps everything a secret until it is too late to say anything. If someone had known, or if he had given more guidance to Romeo and Juliet, they would not have felt like suicide was their only choice. Friar Laurence knew about everything that was happening. He should have told someone about it instead of keeping everything to himself. The Friar was also the one who created the plan for Juliet to fake her death and get out of marrying Paris. He said he will inform Romeo of their plan, but everything backfired and things did not turn out as planned. If he was to find a better plan or consulted with someone else, he could have found a better way to deal with the problems. He tried to deal with the whole situation on his own, and that did not turn out

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