When America finally decided to go to war with Sadar forces it was just another cause to never ending violence that was occurring. Violence was still eminent in Iraq when the UN headquarters was blew up killing people inside it (Diamond pg.11). The creation of police forces in Iraq was the forefront of terrorists attack; terrorists took advantage of the fact that the police were poorly equipped and trained poorly, they were killed abruptly. The second problem was a shattered state. Before and after the war Iraq has always been split due to the different racial groups and their beliefs. Fixing the state was difficult due to the United States firm group on being in control of the reconstruction. Hardly allowing the UN to come forth and help out. The United State did not understand how politics worked in Iraq. So how does one rebuild a shattered state if one does not understand it quite fully? Iraq was still traumatized, but yet had a great support still of Suddam Hussein. The mistakes the American government in attempts to fixing Iraq was getting rid of the Iraqi army and allowing any leader who had a high-level position despite a criminal record in the de-Baathification campaign (Diamond pg.8). It was evident of the shattered state when creating a government that would be accepted by all Iraqi people. For example a group of the Iraqi people wanted to be insured that they autonomy was to be protected. The third problem that Iraq faced was a nonfunctioning economy. Iraq was unable to have a functioning economy with all the violence and disorderliness going on. Iraq was not able to flourish and have self-sustaining economy because danger was surrounded by them all the time. How can Iraq how an economy, if they did not even have a government that could fend for them at the moment. Not having security that the government should provide them with is the reason why trade and commerce was unable to occur. The last problem that Iraq had was a decimated society. A society that was always killing each other. There was never peace to actually undergo any significant change. Governments could not be set up if the leaders that decided to run for a position were going to be killed by radical groups that were against the campaign. Iraq has serious problems that need to be fixed in order for it to have a chance. The blunders that the Bush administration caused the Iraq begins with security. After the war, America never provided the security that
When America finally decided to go to war with Sadar forces it was just another cause to never ending violence that was occurring. Violence was still eminent in Iraq when the UN headquarters was blew up killing people inside it (Diamond pg.11). The creation of police forces in Iraq was the forefront of terrorists attack; terrorists took advantage of the fact that the police were poorly equipped and trained poorly, they were killed abruptly. The second problem was a shattered state. Before and after the war Iraq has always been split due to the different racial groups and their beliefs. Fixing the state was difficult due to the United States firm group on being in control of the reconstruction. Hardly allowing the UN to come forth and help out. The United State did not understand how politics worked in Iraq. So how does one rebuild a shattered state if one does not understand it quite fully? Iraq was still traumatized, but yet had a great support still of Suddam Hussein. The mistakes the American government in attempts to fixing Iraq was getting rid of the Iraqi army and allowing any leader who had a high-level position despite a criminal record in the de-Baathification campaign (Diamond pg.8). It was evident of the shattered state when creating a government that would be accepted by all Iraqi people. For example a group of the Iraqi people wanted to be insured that they autonomy was to be protected. The third problem that Iraq faced was a nonfunctioning economy. Iraq was unable to have a functioning economy with all the violence and disorderliness going on. Iraq was not able to flourish and have self-sustaining economy because danger was surrounded by them all the time. How can Iraq how an economy, if they did not even have a government that could fend for them at the moment. Not having security that the government should provide them with is the reason why trade and commerce was unable to occur. The last problem that Iraq had was a decimated society. A society that was always killing each other. There was never peace to actually undergo any significant change. Governments could not be set up if the leaders that decided to run for a position were going to be killed by radical groups that were against the campaign. Iraq has serious problems that need to be fixed in order for it to have a chance. The blunders that the Bush administration caused the Iraq begins with security. After the war, America never provided the security that